Buns on the Run

It is. I can't speak to the quality though, as I haven't read that one.

I'd play "Lobot: The Forgotten Kennedy".

The PSP remake is a lot less disorienting than the original game, since the screen now turns smoothly instead of just snapping into place. It's amazing what a HUGE difference that makes.

Huh. Do you know that feeling when you're used to seeing a bartender at a place and then you go to a different bar and he's there now and you think maybe you're at the wrong place?

Ar Nosurge was a contender, but they layered on the fan service a bit too thick in this installment. That's saying something, coming from me.

Does my list differ from yours? That's odd, we're all supposed to be exactly the same person. I'm sure we'll work out the kinks next year.

Oh, I didn't mean you were laughing. I just meant that recreating a person with a really grey background wasn't as morally simple as creating something that was funny, even in a raunchy way. Like, I wanna punch everybody who creates "cum-emblems" on Black Ops 2, but I can't exactly say that they can or cannot use that

Well, that's the thing, right? One person's "being creative" and is another person's "being inappropriate." Where do you draw the line? Or do you say, as I think you're saying here, that creating a character based on a man who murdered his wife and young son is clearly on the other side of whatever line you'd draw?

Again, it's not a black-and-white issue.

This is kind of a really diffictopicult issue, though... It's not like it's something to laugh about, like the fake-penis thing you suggested. We're talking about making a real-life murderer a playable character in a sport. A person who killed his wife and child. Brian-damaged or not, its not exactly a black-and-white

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

Chu Chu died for your sins.

Yup. I just started playing today, and the big bastard killed me twice before I saw the keys hanging just above his "work space."

I fully agree that it was a chaotic, disconnected, clichéd mess... but on the other hand: Thats kinda what I liked about it. Everything was unexpected. Well... Killer7s story was just as weird and chaotic as this game. Maybe that's what he went for, a Killer7/ RE best of?! I didn't even get the ending, because (I

when the true horror of a game is that you're freaking out because the controls and camera angles suck, then you have failed.

It really, really was. Between FF7, there was Saga Frontier, Bushido Blade (effin' sweeeet!), Legend of Mana, Parasite Eve, Brave Fencer Musashi, Threads of Fate, hell, even Ehrgeiz was good... when I was younger, because of the subject matter and lengthy texts in most of their games, I always looked at Square games

Xenogears was weird and amazing.

It's sad that this is big news now. Back in the PS1 to PS2 generations they were releasing new games several times a year. And they weren't all called Final Fantasy.

Hatoful Boyfriend was brilliant. It was goofy and lovable but then managed to pull what seemed like a one-off, pointlessly silly premise into a genuinely cohesive story. It really is one of the most creative and surprising games you'll ever play. (Yes, you need to get all the endings. You really, really do. Trust me

Now that's what I call a Butter Ball.