Buns on the Run

A delayed game is only a delayed game until it comes out. A bad game is a bad game forever.

In that respect though, this is why you don't get new consoles at launch.

What's there to preach? that videogames are just forms of escapism?
This line sums it all up:
"I play games to escape the controversy of the real world".
That's an even worse idea. One that predates the very attemps of every developer trying to do meaningful ludic experiences.

Did you actually watch the video? Because this post makes me think you didn't actually watch the video.

Was Ys7 outsourced? I thought that was their first non PC first release.

I'll do you one better.

You know I think part of the issue for me isn't just the immediate problem but the way Falcom has handled them.

Okay... So, you want a cameo? I'm not sure you've played San Andreas at all, or you may remember he died pretty horrifically.

You do know you aren't supposed to agree with their version of Ann Coulter, right?

That is literally what you are implying. Or what else would you imply by complaining about people of color using reclaimed words how they feel, when they feel? You are literally complaining about black men and women using a word that, when used by white men and women— would be deemed offensive given the historical

If you're not black, you don't know what you're talking about. Regardless, it was a pointless thing to bring up in the first place. Lighten up

ATTENTION RAPPERS: From now on, you may only use words which have never been used before, or else you will be accused of a lack of innovation by Kotaku member derplngton. That is all.

So, let me get this straight, you think that black men and women getting mad at white people for taking a word they reclaimed from whites— using it as a positive term between their own groups— telling them they can't use the word, and in some cases reacting violently towards white men and women's ignorance or outright

Yep, because god forbid African Americans reclaim that word and use it as their own. I mean, they're not entitled to it given all the negativity surrounding its use by white men to demean them for hundreds of years.

So, is this your first or second semester of Creative Writing classes at your local community college?

Oh look, a pretentious comment. Innovative.

My first Valis experience was Valis 3 on the Sega Genesis, and it still resonates with me to this day. I've made it a point to collect the various versions of each game. Now I just need an MSX..

Oh yeah, absolutely. It's still a really odd change though.

That's one strict diet.

Yup. What you say is almost exactly the state of things from my point of view. I have had family members who have recently needed a lot of health care and they not only didn't get all of what they needed but some of them lost their life savings trying to help out. Looking at the bill and what can be charged is