Buns on the Run

take your quotes from children’s movies elsewhere

shut up you nerd nobody cares how good you are at sega god damn 


edit nvm

at my junior high i once saw a boy with a learning disability fall down when walking down the hall. the aide escorting him screamed at him to get up and whipped him with a jump-rope. some people are just total garbage.

a developer room/debug mode didn’t exactly feel worth it.

Yeah. I meant that it was underwhelming and even that felt pretty unfinished.

The character Blue is a terrible person who uses and abuses his teammates. The ending is quite fitting—he’s been banished to hell, and the freeze-fade to monochrome can be read as his torment fighting an endless battle.

I’m still very early on, but I don’t think this is just a meta take on terms and conditions. Multiple characters have mentioned “the game” within the game’s narrative. I think this is going to come into play before the story is through.

i dunno, equating fetishism of a tied up wonder woman with a real life paraplegic is kinda dark. i think dr nerdlove offered some sound advice here though.

Sure you can! Well, some people can. I really dislike the character art for Devil Survivor but those are a pair of excellent little strategy RPGs.

when i was 9, neither myself nor anybody i knew said anything anti-semitic. this was pre-south park, which definitely had a hand in the normalization of that language.

he runs a video game channel whose target demographic is children.

oh he’s been doing this for a little while now.

i’ve got the anime gene

“I tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it didn’t even matter.” - Abraham Lincoln Park

supposedly. i’ve seen a number of sources state that hitler actually had zero problem with roehm’s homosexuality—but roehm was planning to usurp the third reich. what more convenient way to dispose of a political foe than tar him as a “sexual degenerate”?

This was a thing. Nazi general Ernst Roehm was homosexual and encouraged homosexuality within the SA. His practical reasoning was that big masculine nazis who fuck each other can sate their passions for the flesh without settling down to give up the fight in favor of marriage and child-rearing. Efficiency! In reality

it’s not about the waitress. it’s all about him.

It may not have needed to be a Resident Evil title, but I’m so glad it is. As you said in an earlier point, RE was getting self-inflated to the point of absurdity, and frankly it was becoming irrelevant. Seeing this smaller-in-scope entry in survival horror’s biggest franchise has given it a shot in the arm. If it’s a