Buns on the Run

Or people are just willing to pay that much? I had a copy of the Neptunia special edition that I didn’t want because I hated the game. I put it on ebay for a penny with no reserve and ended up getting £150.

It’s fair enough if you want to keep it for your own satisfaction. But if you’re planning on selling, you need to ask “Just how much demand is there for my Fallout 3 Special Edition Bobblehead?” What about when Fallout 5 comes out with its own shiny new collectible item?

I pre-order many of the XSEED games; not to get them into stores, but because I live in London and I order them from America. Often they take a year to reach UK shores, and that’s if they get here at all.

What I don’t get is digital preordering. What the hell, It’s not like PSN is going to run out of stock!

That is true!

Looks like an RPG to me.

Word out of Japan seems to be that Trails of Cold Steel is a bit of a departure for the series. Apparently it’s wrapped around a school-based social system not unlike modern Persona or Valkyria Chronicles 2.

I absolutely agree that it was excellent. Perhaps not as visually stunning as the Oshii films (to be fair few things are), but very smartly written.

Oshii really produced the best GITS adaptations, didn’t he.

Now Tayne I can get into.

The Farrely Brothers present Irreversible

What the...!


Compile Hearts Games: 1 Trillion Hit Point / -1 Trillion Fun Points

Goddamn it.

We’ll always have Soul Hackers.

jesus just finish 15 already

I put my hands up and admit I was wrong here.

The eldest is her adopted brother, but the other may indeed be her son.