Buns on the Run

I don’t think that’s fair. Everybody does shitty things when they’re 17. Obviously some much more shitty (and dangerous) than others, especially with the advances in technology we’re seeing now. Maybe he’ll see the errors of his ways and, after serving his punishment, go on to be a well-adjusted adult.

How do you even get access to so much of a family’s personal details just by playing League of Legends with a person online? Did they give him their names or something? I just can’t get my head around this.

i’ll have a carb burger topped with carbs with a side of carbs

Oh man. If it allows you to install TGCD games via SD card, I’d be all over this.

For me, it’s not about that at all. I echo the sentiments of commenters like Dandy Baron Chrono, but I’d just like to add that I was very sad when I heard that Breath of Fire 6, the latest numbered sequel in a series of JRPGs that once held a lot of clout and hasn’t had a sequel in 13 years, will be a free-to-play

Oh lord I was afraid he died. Phew!

except the electricity bill

When I was six years old I really wanted to play Might and Magic on Sega Genesis, but it was always rented out at my local rental place.

ACIV’s “Exclusive Aveline missions” were about 30 minutes long with no substance. Best of all, they didn’t change the guard’s voices to adapt to the new character, so everybody’s running after Aveline screaming “GET HIM”

It could’ve done with a lot more editing and a lot less unhinged backer updates.

I’m really not trying to naysay and I hope it works out. I miss Iga and I can’t wait to see his next project in the flesh.

True, but there’s also Godus, Rainfall: The Sojurn, Americana Dawn, Yogventures, Clang, Code Hero, Confederate Express, Dysfunctional Systems, Radio the Universe...not to mention things that turned out pretty bad, like The Untold History of Japanese Game Devs and Tesla Effect.

Buyer beware. I want this just as much as anybody else, but time has proven that even high profile Kickstarter campaigns can fail spectacularly.

Ah, so you can’t just change time at will from the menu anymore.

X sounds like a very different experience than Xenoblade, but an exciting one! Can’t wait to dive in.

The point is, that doesn’t make it any less clumsy. Nobody would write that on a wall during famine riots

He’s prolly under NDA

Hey Richard, just wondering, is Neo Los Angeles the only town/outpost?

I see London I see France...

Yes! I had this! It was badass indeed.

I bought this game when it came out.