
Has Bruce actually come out and said he's transitioning? I'm looking for something other than a tabloid as a source. Because here's the thing - usually, if you are transitioning, you've been actively living as your gender-identity for a quite a while. Its not something that surgeons just up and swap out for you...

So, being shitfaced is a defense if you are the one doing the raping, but if you were raped and had been drinking its your fault? Drinking as a guy = can't be guilty of rape; drinking as a girl = asking to get raped? Please excuse me while I bash my head against my desk.

There was a controversial method of breast augmentation a while back... string implants (actually polypropylene) that cause irritation to the breast tissue creating a fluid buildup, creating engorged breasts. I'm guessing this is what she's had done, since it is the preferred method of gigando-boob models.

These are all pretty similar to 16th Street in Denver... No cars, a simple (free!) shuttle from one end to the other, and green/pedestrian space. Denver even has pianos every other block - which is charming and creates impromptu dance parties. There are loads of shops, banks, and eateries lining the whole thing. It

Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories

I'm super lucky - I have an actual feminist for a dad (who taught me woodworking, electronics, archery and tracking, knot tying, basic car repair, etc. because those are the things he would teach any child of his, girl or boy; he gets all kinds of rant-ragey when politicians try to legislate reproductive rights; and

In Nashville the city has mobilized school buses (they cancelled school today) to be mobile warming stations.

Plock Plock!

This 100o times. I saw that headline and was all 'Oh SHIT! Is Fforde really St. Zvlkx?'

We brought our set to visit my mom's sisters over Thanksgiving. The when the middle sister woudn't know what something was, I would pull up a google image search on my phone. I will never forget the three-part 'Huh? Gasp! Aaaaah!' reaction to tentacle porn.

I would like to add:

Yup. Wake up, get to the office (no one else shows until 30 minutes after office hours start), click on Jez for a little Monday-pick-me-up, and get this. I need a drink. Caffeine and then a drink.

You may not have heard of them, and neither may your circle of associates, but every archaeologist, anthropologist, art historian (and art history 101 students), and Peruvian knew about the lines before this, not to mention thousands of others who find those subjects to be interesting enough to read about it. Just

My tiara selection is the Greville Tiara. The geometric nature pleases my nerdy heart. I need to have a chat with QEII, because this tiara is so not right for Camilla - the tiara-hair is all wrong, and she doesn't strike me as a squashed-honeycomb sort of woman.

Fun Fact: Tracy Morgan was very insistent that the EMTs trying to save his life and remove him from the wreck know that he is Tracy Morgan. "I am Tracy Morgan! I am Tracy Morgan!"

It's essentially brick red, which I don't even like on actual bricks.

Synesthesia is so fascinating. I'm curious about your color/number pairing. I'm assuming it works in both directions (see a number, perceive a color:: see a color, perceive a number)? Also, can you tell me more about the type of perception you get (see Marsala, also 'see' 5, hear 'five'?)? Does it only relate to the

I'm not even remotely excited about this color. I was hoping for something in the blue family - maybe a cobalt? Also, Marsala is a hideous color when you look at the actual swatch instead of the flotsam in the photos:

I went to Eckerd for a year - it was in 2001 when Eastman had just become president. The administration essentially sponsored drinking events - Nu Mardi Gras (Nu is one of the dorms) and Kappa Carnival (also a dorm), and Eastman could be found drinking with the students. It was also pretty well known around campus

Every time I see a penguin or hear someone say penguin, my brain automatically flips it to Pengwing, because that is clearly the far superior (and bizarrely sexy) way of pronouncing that particular flightless bird's name.