
I've had abortions (yes! PLURAL!). I felt no indecision or apprehension about any of them. I would make the same choices today, nearly 10 years later. It was always just a cluster of cells living in my uterus, and I have no emotional attachment to it. Frankly, the psychotic boyfriend who got me pregnant was way more

Lets also highlight that in Arizona, rape kits are only done Monday-Friday. Y'know, because rapists keep banker's hours...I cannot even begin to form coherent sentences about how angry I get about rape-minimizers, rape-ignorers, and their ilk.

The one in the middle in the jumpsuit looks like Bevis. Poor girl.

I am so happy with TattooedJuneCleaver and her mention of lithopedions.... I cannot even begin to express my joy that you mentioned this. I try to work 'stone babies' into my daily conversations... "I need to prop this door open, do you have a doorstop?" "No, but I do have this stone baby."... "Ugh, my feet are so

The critter in the video is in fact, a Lionhead Rabbit.

Its actually a Lionhead Rabbit