
This one's still the best ;-).

You win the Internet!!!!

i'm assuming that even after you talk to this person, their inner attitudes will not change, and so they will be putting you down (as a non-fitness person) continually in that same way. If that occurs, you shouldn't have to tolerate it, and if they keep doing it it will eventually cause friction, because who wants

Sooo... your solution to relationship problems (friendship, in this case) is to never talk to the other person about what's bothering you, because that's trying to "change" them? Because that's all the OP advocated from what I can see, talking. The OP didn't say to refuse to take no for an answer and bug them until

Who is that wiggly-tongued woman? She's so '80s fabulous.

Agreed. I hate this attitude that someone has to be either THE GREATEST PERSON EVAR or else THE EMBODIMENT OF EVERYTHING WRONG IN THE UNIVERSE.

Just stop hanging out with them because of all things for the love of god DO NOT FALL INTO THE I NEED TO CHANGE YOU TRAP. That is even worse, because that means you are going to be fighting her self-shame (that's right) about her body with your self-shame (that's right) about losing her approval. Guess who's going to

Dude, all day I've been pushing my skirt down. Something more flown is better I guess.

No, it's totally cute! it gives the illusion of wearing tiny shorts without actually exposing your legs/butt to passersby/unforgiving furniture. And stops creeps (Parisian men, I'm looking at you!) from grabbing your ass. Although I do wear a pair of shorts so short my bf routinely points out that he can see my

Well she's got the casual part right, even if taken way too far. I wonder what she thought was professional looking about underbutt?

oh, no, I mean the kind of person who would wear leggings as pants (translation: force me to be on a first name basis with her vulva) is also the person who wears underbutt-exposing shorts.

Same with me, all men. No way in hell I would wear something like that. Sometimes I feel like I'm crossing a line when I wear spaghetti straps (totally allowed) because mens office casual wear is pretty much exclusively pants and a collared shirt.

I would wear leggings and underbutt shorts. That actually sounds really cute.

Someone in the office needs to take that child aside and tell her that's not ok At work. Then HR guy needs to send out and email making it clear to everyone that shorts (of any length) do not fit in a casual professional dress code.

I work with ALLLLL men. Hell to the no, I would not wear those at my office. But I could see being in an office full of women, making me feel a little more brave. I don't even like being a bikini at the beach. I have skinny little legs but like most women I am plagued with the EVIL curse of cellulite!

I think this employee in particular has realized that being in an office full of women, with the only man on staff being our appointed HR officer, means she can wear whatever she wants. I mean, I personally wouldn't wear them to the office, even if I had the whole... body situation... for them, just because I would

leggings as pants is a huge pet peeve for me at work.

WHAT? Underbutt shorts on the weekend... Fine. Underbutt shorts would never be appropriate in any office ever. Ever. I get self conscious at my office, which is super casual, if my skirt hikes up much higher than mid thigh.

I do not need to see a coworker's underbutt! Or topbutt. Or anybutt.

A girl at my office, I shit you not, is wearing shorts that show underbutt right now. We're a "casual professional" office, which means some bishes are wearing pencil skirts and blouses (me on some days), some are wearing jeans and a blazer (me on more-often-than-not days), some are wearing underbutt shorts (me