The SAFER barriers might not prevent the initial wreck, but they do help prevent the secondary wrecks by not flinging the car back in front of traffic.
The SAFER barriers might not prevent the initial wreck, but they do help prevent the secondary wrecks by not flinging the car back in front of traffic.
OK, let me rephrase it, Muslim’s are such a small part of the target demographic that they don’t matter.
If someone who is of Muslim faith wants to be part of American and it’s society, they need to learn to acclimate to American customs. If they are offended by the time honored tradition of Christian based prayer at…
A more correct way to say it is that the kid got the gig because his family worked hard and smart and decided to spend multiple millions advertising their product at a NASCAR race.
Fuck off, the kid got too stoned and committed suicide.
Because Muslims don’t buy race tickets?
The Duck Dynasty corporation was not “invited” to give the invocation or National Anthem.....they paid multiple millions of dollars for that right.
You are welcome to do the same.
Doubtful that NASCAR fans would support a religion as fucked up as Muslim is, they have more brains than that.
Who deemed it a “non-denominational event”?
My guess is that the cop will swear that you didn’t have them on when he stopped you. Any chance there was a body camera to prove otherwise?
What was the end result of your bogus ticket? Were you able to get it thrown out before court, during court or did you just pay it? How much was the fine & court costs?
That is what I was thinking too. I believe that IndyCar puts the accelerometer on the gearbox....if F1 is in a similar location then it would have seen a higher force than the drivers seat due to rotation.
did they say anything about WHICH impact produced the 46g and where it was measured at? The seat belts breaking tells me that possibly it was measured on the chassis, not through his earpiece or helmet monitor. It is entirely possible that the belts giving like they did drastically reduced the measured G load on the…
Not entirely true, tracks 1 mile or less do not use inner liners. Phoenix the week before did not.
Colorado has enough people, please spread the word for everyone to stay away.
The bus accident proves nothing about cars. She hit a curb and lost control. She already wrecked when she fell out. Plus I said that bus drivers SHOULD wear seat belts, for reasons outlined above.
I thought we were talking about cars and trucks, not public transportation busses? (which should have seat belt worn regardless of law due to bounciness and lack of side support)
I agree 100%. Personal choice, not Uncle Sam’s.
That is right, the Gov’t has everyone’s best interest in mind. Keep drinking the kool-aid kid.
It does seem like rather amatureish journalism, especially with the headline. As the church rep pointed out, it took a lifetime to collect these cars and would take a lifetime to get top dollar for their liquidation. Or you can sell them in lot form, either all 30,000 at once to some lucky collector with a wad of cash…
It’s an opinion. I am perfectly capable of taking the high road when circumstances dictate proper debate, or take it into the gutter when assholes want to go there.
irrelevant to this discussion.
Think in the real world not theoretical. Other than baja style off road racers, have you EVER seen someone hit a bump in the road and lose control of a vehicle when a lap/shoulder belt would have helped?
The answer is NO.