awful fancy advise from someone who identifies as “turd”
awful fancy advise from someone who identifies as “turd”
It still should be a personal choice, not the gov’ts.
What are the odds that a body comes flying through the windshield and lands on your car but otherwise suffering no damage?
you are wasting your time because your point is invalid.
If someone hits a bump so hard that it knocks them out of the seat in a car/truck, a seatbelt is NOT going to make a difference unless you were riding a lawn already wrecked. The comparison to airplanes is apples to oranges, they don’t hit bumps in…
Using that argument, we can bicycles on public roads, base jumping, MMA fighting and the NFL?
It is called gravity and if the bump in the road is enough to overcome that, then a seatbelt will have no bearing on the ability to maintain control. Have you no common sense?
I have no wife and kids, the only expense involved when I do inevitably die is a little propane for the furnace and a small cardboard box.…
And a seat belt will change this?
Either you do not drive a car or are really, really crappy at it. Maybe to keep everyone’s insurance costs down you should consider public transportation.
Irrelevant, only front seat passengers are required to wear seatbelts.
Suck it up buttercup.
Suck it up and grow a pair, bad things happen all the time. Deal with it.
True, which is just about as likely as Wile E Coyote dropping a piano on your head in the middle of the desert.
Again, I agree that wearing a seatbelt or a helmet is the safer option, but it should not be something that the Gov’t tells me that I have to do. Uncle Sams job is to build roads and schools and sewers, not be a nanny.
Are you being serious? If someone gets thrown out of the car, they have already lost control and crashed.
The NFL should stick to sports based entertainment and stay out of politics and public policy.
Your last paragraph sums it up.
and I agree with that, but that is up to the individual to make that mandate....not a nanny state gov’t.
Like I said before, you can’t fix stupid, not even with duct tape.
I don’t advocate murder, but I am 100% in favor of letting Darwinism play out unimpeded.
Bullshit, it is about a nanny state and politicians forcing their constituents to rely on uncle sam. Wake up and smell the bullshit before it’s too late.
Just take responsibility for your own actions and demand that others do the same, and all will be well in the world.
Oh yeah, and vote for whoever is running on every level against the cunt no matter who it is. This bitch has done more to destroy America than any religion or foreign gov’t ever has.
The lack of a seatbelt has never caused an accident.
If you have zero ties to me, familial or otherwise, you are arrogant for telling me what to do or how to run my business. Mind your own fucking business and take responsibility for your own actions, not mine.