
You are just full of piss and vinegar aren’t you? Check back when you have something constructive to say instead of merely hurling insults. Is there any chance you are taking this criticism personally because of some ties to the race or it’s organizers?

For the record, I was involved in the running of motorsports

Well, you will have to give me a link to the entire video as F1 management has taken down the clip linked to in the above article.

In the GIF it does not look like the Armco or fencing above it was damaged....that part of the safety structure did not move a single inch and it appears that the plastic barrier absorbed

Granted that the GP2 races are not entertaining enough to attract traditional sponsors or even justify selling a separate grandstand ticket for, but I assume that they have some sort of European TV package that SOMEBODY has paid for.

So tell me more.

Judging by how easily they moved when the car hit them, they should be easily driven to the accident scene on a flatbed truck and moved into place with the power equipment already present in the video. What special equipment is needed to make a quick repair that is not already on scene? Why wasn’t

OK, I will play along....

Can you believe ANYTHING the Cheetahs say? Their record with truthfulness is less than stellar.

I dunno, tractors were on scene within 2 minutes of the wreck. My guess is either that those in charge of the track were eating dinner (not ready to work for whatever reason) or that they didn’t have contingency plans in place for barrier replacement.

There is enough power equipment at an F1 weekend to handle it. (or at least there should be).

If I was involved with GP2 as a driver, owner, sponsor, TV advertiser, etc, I would be extremely pissed at the lack of professionalism.

Why couldn’t they run the GP2 race after the F1 race was over?

These barriers appear to be very lightweight plastic blocks tied together with cabling and backed up with foam. Maybe one of the blocks needed to be replaced...maybe You would think that they would be professional enough to have blocks at the ready, able to be driven to the scene and lifted into place with the same

I kinda feel the same way about Rosberg, especially after his little fit post-race in Texas.

Only Rosberg was saying that nothing is different, Ham mentioned that something changed (he did not say what, but seemed to know) after Texas that has him less than 100% comfortable.

I do not understand why it took 40 minutes to replace 2 sections of modular plastic barrier. Since everyone involved was obviously OK right away, that entire crash cleanup should have taken 5-10 minutes tops.

Perhaps the A team of course marshals were still having lunch.

As it turns out, Colorado allows speakers built into helmets but not bluetooth or even one earbud.

I don’t know what kind of bike you ride, but I can hear every single V twin I have ridden no matter what the speed. Brand new Honda’s all the way to Indians and HDs. Never a helmet or earplugs, but maybe that is your problem.

So what defines “headphones” in the states that it is against the law? Are ear buds OK but over the ear headphones not? Is one earbud OK but both not? How about the in one ear bluetooth units used for hands free calling? Is it against the law to have speakers in your motorcycle helmet?

How about discussing technique differences between traditional gasoline powered karts and the new breed of electric karts?

I know that the ones at K1 Speed have sophisticated sensors that among other things prevent trail braking. I suspect that there are other “safety” sensors that alter the way you need to drive for

I don’t know about other electric kart outfits, but K1 Speed’s setup includes a switch to protect the motor that will not allow you to be on the throttle and brake at the same time.

IE....it is impossible to trail brake.

Go get them Putin!!! The American president is too big of a pussy to do anything about it.

The guy got punched in the face and now 8 months later he wants a paycheck for it. Why? Pain and suffering? Emotional anguish?

He is not only a lazy Irish C***, he is a twit too. (sue me bitch, sue me)

What is the same is that you expect people to fork over money to come watch. It doesn’t really matter if it is F1 vs IndyCar or NASCAR vs IndyCar or F1 vs NASCAR....people do not have unlimited funds/vacation time and most will have to make a choice on one event or the other....very few will be able to attend both