
We threw a TRILLION DOLLARS at infrastructure with the "stimulus" and what did we get for it? When they can prove they can take money and spend it on what they say they'll spend it on... then we can discuss giving them more. But "Oops, it's all gone, give us more" is not tolerable, especially with the absurd

Because flying buttresses

I've met a guy that is a janitor at a factory, and has been in that position his entire life. He's always been in some sort of union racket, so he brags about how he's now taking home $5,500/month to be a "janitor", while the rest of the janitorial staff does the actual work - and how he also manages to get Social

Can you blame them?

Labor unions produce some of the laziest, most overpaid workers in the industry. No fucking surprise.


Hella flush.

This was the first one I got to get in and go Vroom.


It was beautiful.

Pink Floyd Concert