Only David Tracy can buy a nearly rust-free car and nearly get defeated by hidden rust.
Fail by the technicality, pass by the technicality.
I’m sure their “decisions” were helped by the new boss.
That’s a white/patchwork grey exterior where the paint is sloughing off in giant areas.
They were fired, not because of the “no more cars” plan but because they didn’t boldly take it far enough:
I spent $750 on a 1989 Cavalier. Which was probably wildly overmarket.
Bat-shit crazy is incredibly hot. The problem is the often sudden and dynamic negative inversion of the cost to benefit ratio.
This is the point I think people might be missing. These renders could very well just be the designers sitting around laughing and wondering what sort of heinous garbage they can get away with. Both to the managers, and the people who buy them.
At this point, I wish both sides would shut the hell up.
Or. It’s a concept render, which are always exaggerated, and it’s a Super Duty, so it’s primarily for towing, hence front clearance is low.
That silver pickup with the red trim looks very Isuzu Vehicross-ish
They know who their target market is: Men with small penises.
Massively underrated comment
Well, things went downhill really fast...
I know the dude is completely loco, but credit where it’s due: He does damn good work.
I wanna say it’s similar to the ornithopters from the Dune 2000 game but I can’t for the life of me find a screenshot.
Yeah, this is a result of you not watching a lot of US racing more than these not being big enough names.
I support this. So much, I’m willing to relax the rules on pilot training, maintenance and whatnot in order to help them get going.