
It’s almost like all of this AI is not actually able to do the things they claim it can, and may never actually be able to, and shouldn’t actually be replacing people in any capacity until it can actually do the things the hype claims it can.

Sounds like a pretty standard reach for a generation of click obsessed journalists. Journalistic integrity died ages ago, you’re just a byproduct - no hard feelings.

Edit - oh wait, you’re the same “Journalist” who pushed the whole carry on vs check your bag debate, good lord... find another career path

No he didnt.

Misleading, clickbait headline. Have some pride in yourself and your work. 

also now we are blaming Boeing for maggots and an engine fire? way to go Jalopnik!

Helping people stock shelves, i.e. finding it and putting it out for them, is not “forcing” anyone to do anything. It is the exact opposite, i.e. doing their work for them so they aren’t compelled to do so because of their job.

Something like 12-15 years pass between Dune and Messiah, so it makes sense that Villeneuve would want the actors to seem older.

I was just thinking about how the Hollywood Godzilla movies have nosedived into Transformers territory at speed (which, to be fair, is more or less the same trajectory the original movies took too) and then a giant robot hand erupted from the Pyramids of Giza.

The thing I really appreciate about these movies is the spectacular level of dumbness to which they commit themselves. There’s no effort to ground the action in any kind of plausibility, like having a scientist character namedrop Einstein-Rosen Bridges in a Marvel movie. It’s just straight-up 19th Century Hollow Earth

Some of it has a point though. Just look at everyone who voted for Trump. And some of them still would. Art imitates life and while the show may take things a bit to the extreme, it all comes from somewhere. I remember watching old movies in school and the teacher afterwards having us talk about some of the

I don’t want to be anti-fun but I can’t imagine this not being bad

Now playing

My question for any further Babylon 5 is whether lessons were learned from Legend Of The Rangers. Is anyone in place to say “this slow, exhausting, and impractical way of firing weapons is stupid and will not be filmed”?

Complaining about the plot of a Super Mario movie seems kind of ridiculous considering Super Mario games barely have a plot themselves. 

Ah yes, I really wish the movie stayed true to the serious philosophical musings, character development, and grounded dialogue that is synonymous with Super Mario Bros.

You were upset that the movie used music used popularly by Kill Bill.... a 20-year-old movie? Were you more upset by the use of it, or that it’s inclusion means that the stuff you grew up with is now the “throw the parents a bone” part of kids movies?

She uses her body to make money hand over fist and invests it in business ventures that will outlive her youth and allow her to retire young, all without having to touch even a single simp.

I’m likely the exception here, but I was very disappointed when I found out the 2017 game had nothing to do with the 2006 game. Even knowing that I tried 2017 because of the good reviews, but I just couldn’t get past the disappointment. I just kept wanting it to be a sequel to 2006. I gave up early on and never

I’m still of a mind that the video game market is collapsing just as it did in 1983, only this time it’s in slow-motion so nobody’s really caught on yet

That’s a lot of ‘former’s up there...

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating