
I went to a BBQ festival in San Francisco. A bunch of vegans showed up and started protesting. I have no problem if people want to be vegan (I’m actually planning to do a vegan month myself) but I was trying to enjoy myself with friends and found their protesting extremely fucking rude. I don’t show up at vegan

They’re also disease-infested vermin.

“calm, rational vegans”

Sorry, judges not impressed with your troll attempt.

Now playing

Kind of like how when we put wolves back in Yellowstone, the predator-prey balance really changed the ecosystem of the park

When vegan protesters gathered outside Toronto’s Antler Kitchen & Bar on Friday with a banner reading “Murderer” and chants of “you’ve got blood on your hands,” the owner responded by carving a deer leg inside the front window of his restaurant.

Just like the protesters who throw paint at women wearing fur and not bikers wearing leather.

Ahh, the classic “let’s go after the little guy!” Always a winner. These people deserve to have this guy process an entire deer next time they show up.

It’s people like this (the protesters) that give the rest of us calm, rational vegans a bad name. Shouting at someone is the absolute worst way to get anyone to see your point of view, and they are doing much more harm than good when it comes to animal rights. Groups like this just do these stunts to make headlines,

This is a pretty great “fuck you.” Someone is protesting your business? Do your business in front of them. I mean...what else do you do? They can’t say you did anything else than what you always do.

Ignore corporations and go after small businesses. Got it.

Anthony’s just jelly because his most creative use of a spoon over an open flame was...well, you know.

Sleeping Giants has been contacting advertisers for 16 months. They’ve been responsible for thousands fleeing.

We were out to dinner with my father in-law. He told the waitress his order, then pointed at my 12 year old son and said “and he’ll have a shit sandwich”.

WWE’s core audience hasn’t really been the stereotypical rednecks since... Actually ever. The original WWWF owned by Vince Sr was aimed at New York’s bruise ethnic populations. Vince’s national expansion was assumed at getting away from the wrestling stereotype and getting kids like it was a Saturday cartoon.

Noosa even has a slogan on their branding that points out that they’re from Chicago. Basically under the presentation that they’re Aussie transplants. I have no idea if they really are but whatever. Yogurt isn’t cheese where aging is relevant anyway. I’d rather have something fresh and domestic than an imported dairy

Higher-fat or full-fat yogurts are incredible. Since fats aren’t nearly as evil as we thought they were thirty years ago, there’s no reason not to enjoy a genuinely creamy yogurt as part of your overall diet (in the “what you eat” sense of the word). Up here in Canada, i’ve become pretty obsessed with some of the

Kate, this is overall solid reporting, but you made a key error in the Greek yogurt section. You neglected to mention that Fage Total is the only Greek yogurt worth eating, and all others are trash. That’s just irresponsible journalism