
My impression was that the hashtag isn't for educating black people about how nice the cops are to white people, but educating fellow white people on their own hypocrisy. It's a lot harder to say that these murdered black men were thugs and criminals who "got what they deserved" when white people admit to the same

The more #CrimingWhileWhite stories you read, the more they start to sound like humblebrags than they do like addressing inequality.

I can't even lie: I love watching that little pizza progress bar. There's a long-ass Gizmodo article basically calling out how flawed it is, but IDGAF.

I've got a car math story for you.

Pizza Hut needs to learn what Domino's has learned: It's not about convincing people to eat your shitty pizza; it's about making it so easy to order your shitty pizza that it can be bought and paid for before you even realize what happened.

It's Sons of Anarchy.

Of course NOW there would be a short dress thing, likely making them easier to find. I wanted a short or t-length dress but I also wanted luxe fabric and styling that comes with a fancy, expensive dress. I was willing to spend for designer but the wedding dress designers weren't making what I wanted. Maybe I should

I actually felt bad for ole Rexy last night. His press conference was depressing. One of the ESPN guys put it best, he's been broken. Fiery Rex is gone, replaced by a shell of a coach that can't change the direction of his team.

Hadn't heard of white fragility before. This probably makes me pretty ignorant (grew up in a small, very white british town) but I'm glad I did. I'm keeping it in the arsenal of sanity I have to use any time I read the news during our (UK) current national flirtation with xenophobia.

Very powerful.

Well they couldn't shoot them through the TV so they had to go with Plan B

Nah, this is progress — this is the first time the SLPOA has acknowledged that black men have First Ammendment rights.

White fragility in one of its purest forms.

My favorite part of this thread are the fuckheads coming out of the woodwork to defend J. Roorda, a man twice fired for abuse of power, a man who oversees a police union with rampant Klan activity, and one third of the triumvirate of power that allowed this clusterfuck of justice to play out, even as the entire world

This is a reasoned , cogent, well-thought point.

"You apparently conflate people criticizing thugs, punks, idiots and whatever else we can call them burning down their community and destroying the lives of other innocent people, and hide behind the word "protest", as all being racist."

That's because them there boys oughta be worrying more about playin' fuhbah and less about them there fust amenments.

Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

I feel like playing football in your racist, God-forsaken city is punishment enough, SLPOA