
You have to take a few min and read this 1986 scorched earth profile of Bob Irsay from the SI Vaults. It’s cliche to say sports journalism no longer has teeth but this piece has teeth made of knives and flaming swords.

Irsay’s mom calls him “a devil on earth.” He denies being raised Jewish and uses Jewish slurs. He

What might not suck: They opened a sensory room at Lincoln for for fans with autism and other sensory issues who need to take a break without having to exit the stadium. I know we are supposed to be dragging them but Swoop has headphones on and that’s fucking adorable.

I feel like Baker couldn’t give a shit about Jones and it’s just a weak attempt to make lovie eyes at OBJ through the media: “I hate the Giants too! DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS?!”

My husband trolling a Steelers fan coworker:
Him, looking out the window: “Dude! Someone vandalized your car!”
Coworker, bolting up from his chair: “What?! NO!”
Him: “Ohgod, it looks terrible. Why would someone do that?”
Coworker, sprinting toward the door, “What?? Do what??”
Him: “Someone put a big ugly Steelers sticker

Cousins is showing so many teeth it looks like Rob Liefeld drew his mouth.

Hard Knocks is flogging the narrative that Brown runs so fast, and cuts so hard that the skin on his feet literally can’t keep up with him. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak... so weak it can’t stay attached to such greatness because that’s definitely how feet work.

They also had similarly profound things to

He’s one of those uptight dudes that are too scared to open up their sexual playbook to anything other than monogamous patriarchal vanilla but are secretly entranced by the sex lives of people who do.

“A chick was slightly sexully agressive with me and I haaaaated it.”
“Tell me about your secret San Francisco sex

Everyone here is just one job change/neighborhood move/divorce away from losing their entire friend group.

Nate, I read your book awhile back and I think about it all the time. You really humanized the reality of being a football player beyond the smothering NFL press and peppy rote soundbites. I have a twinge of second hand anxiety when a player is traded or cut knowing the special kind of agony it creates for them and

I destroyed a mountain of nachos.

I’m sober too and I HIGHLY appreciate it when bars have tasty options for those of us who don’t booze, but are there with people who do. I gladly pay premium prices + tip for anything they can throw together so I’m not stuck sucking down Diet Cokes all night. Thankfully, with the rise of craft cocktail culture it’s

The BEST thing about getting into weed as an adult now is there are so many choices! Strains engineered to produce specific effects, edibles in every form and probably the most adult thing ever: consistency. Your drug dealer back in the day was not usually a grower and weed changed hands so often that no one really

Lab grown diamonds are also really diversifying the jewelry market beyond large love rocks and precious metal settings. Small lab diamonds are so affordable that jewelry artisans can use them in non-traditional ways because the abundance of different colors opens up so many possibilities beyond prizing large clear sto

The Day The Mike Went Out"

Definitely not Rodgers. Total lack of spiral, throwing to the Eagles for some reason. plus that’s the real Night King killing a dragon on the field.

It’s appearing in the zeitgeist of regular people too. Not on the level of face recognition but I’ve noticed a lot more of it in memes. Sting removing his mask to reveal his identical face paint is an understood response in work Slack. My thesis advisor shares memes of her hated sports teams logos bobbing on the heads

I’m magic when it comes to making dishes from scratch cheaper then prepared foods but that’s because it’s my hobby and a challenge. Bagged home fries for $2.99 a pound? I can do it for $.35 worth of onions and potatoes - and 5 hours of work par-boiling, caramelizing my own onions and frying. It’s not remotely cost

I’m really surprised that during the interview Andy “Tape Glutton”Benoit didn’t backhand McVay, scream “BLASPHEMY!”and shove an SD card down his throat like a forced communion wafer. 

Alex Trebek makes $50k per episode which means Holzhauer earned more than the host’s salary each game. Let that sink in! But for a long time Jeopardy! fan like myself the best thing about Holzhauer’s winning streak is that Alex is clearly delighted with him and gets to talk about him during various media appearances

Holy batshit, Batman, you weren’t kidding. I guess I feel bad for these women that are annexing dudes as un-dateable because of the container they come in. Me snagging ‘a giant’ has no impact on their dating life because if he were into superficial dumbasses he wouldn’t be with me.