
I’m a shortie and have had two girl friends (5'8'’ and 5'10'’) complain that shorties like me shouldn’t date tall guys because almost every guy is taller then us and we are depleting the dating pool of guys taller than them. The first time I was shocked but the second time I just rolled my eyes. It’s real AND it’s

Capital One giving out free coffee and snacks is amateur hour. My dry cleaner gives out free hot dogs on the weekend so I grabbed one, got in my car, took a bite and it immediately shat mustard all over my thighs and shorts.  Now THAT is playing the long game bitches. 

Yeah, I just feel like it was a missed opportunity to not let the audience share that moment on screen rather then us have to use our imagination and extrapolate. I think they could have rolled a small memorial moment for Nat (since there was no body) into Tony’s send off and still kept most of the focus on the

I agree that A’keria has been underrated this season but oh man did she deliver on this challenge and runway. She just nailed the physicality and tone of these kind of street arrests you see on like COPS. The flailing, the bargaining, the histrionics and the last minute doomed dash for freedom. She was also

“Jared Goff makes me sick with his outlandish behavior and sheer rambunctious energy. We need someone with more composure, dammit!”

The lack of broad acknowledgement of Nat’s death just does not sit well with me. Almost everyone at Tony’s funeral knew her and she didn’t get one mention beyond the tiny convo between Clint and Wanda. MCU has been pretty terrible at handling any grieving caused by perma-death. I don’t think anyone even mentioned

The way they light him with every line visible on his face is outstanding at reminding us that intelligence and experience can be even more formidable than reckless raw power.

Because Richard Harris died after Chamber of Secrets.

Agreed! He also uses abbreviated names for all the categories to blast through the answers and not leave a dollar on the board before time runs out. Maybe I’m reading too much into it strategy wise but I’ve watched a lot of Jeopardy! and when he goes, “Lakes for 500" instead of “Alliterative Lakes in Literature” the

Yeah!! I caught that but I feel like it went over the girls’ heads and maybe the judges didn’t catch it either because no one laughed. But quick thinking on Yvie’s part for a great inside joke and the producers definitely caught it.

Other stuff... I think I’m in the minority but I’m loving Ru’s emotional involvement

GSP is French-Canadian so this is kind of funny to me. “Whoop my ass, America - yeah, I love it!” It’s like in Mean Girls when the fuzzy haired chick is all, “One time Regina George punched me in the face. It was AWESOME!”

I watched GSP for many years in MMA and for years he was considered the best pound-for-pound fighter of his peers. Major kudos to the stunt people, production staff and Evans himself for making Capt. look like he could keep up with GSP’s level of talent especially his quickness. When they opened with that fight the

Don’t be - cookies are a renewable resource. :) Thanks again for all your great journalism!

Thanks to articles like this my interest was peaked and I listened to your book over the weekend. It was a GREAT listen! Of the games you covered I’ve only played Diablo, Dragon Age and Destiny but that didn’t stop my enjoyment of hearing about the heartbreak of Star Wars 1313 or how the specific culture of the

Indeed and I think it’s the rare example of “telling” working as well as “showing.” Cause our impression is “this guy is a fucked up liar telling fucked up lies” which is perfect for the character. 

Ledger’s portrayal is iconic but he was also served by the writing that didn’t make him blather about his backstory. He was less a character then a concept - like Tyler Durden. But that served The Dark Knight well because the movie was already overstuffed with other characters (Dent, Gordon, Rachel Dawes, Lucius Fox,

Yeah, I’m with you on a food that is really sweet. IDK much about what foodstuffs would be available since Medieval times spanned a long ass stretch of history and an even larger geography. But when sugar started being cultivated it took over the world and countless people were enslaved to grow the stuff because it

In a dozen years or so I can’t wait to decide between Fortnite Momo Challenge, Starlord Thanos and Milkshake Duck Kardashian. 

Jets, Dolphins and Bills fans:

I didn’t expect this to get an A grade but then again we all have different criteria and if Kate’s is political resonance then I can see that. It really leapfrogged the simple premise of “drag queen’s compete” and gave us drag queens unite and remind you we all have stakes in making our country safer and more diverse.