
I honest to God have no idea who you’re arguing with right now.

I’m okay if it’s not “scary” because these days that means “JUMPSCARE!” so hoepfully it’s atmospheric and moody as shit.

HARD disagree! It’s not even the best of the 3 (thatd be 2). The Danny Elfman theme is prettu good, and obviously JK Simmons is great. But MJ is a totally useless character, Dunst/Maguire have little chemistry, the Green Goblin costume looks RIDICULOUS, pretty much any of the non J Jonah Jameson dialogue is cringey....

Based on how negotiations work, Disney wasn’t going for 50%, that was just their starting position, showing that they wanted a much larger share. Which, you know, makes since, being that the deal is up for renegotiation and the movies have been insanely successful.

Sony is the one people are mad at because instead of

I think you figured out Sony’s plan.

Time for Disney to buy out Sony Pictures now, I guess.

I’m not so sure about that—based on his CCRB/Disciplinary history, Pantaleo seems like he falls into the category of “problem officers”—most officers probably don’t behave like he does. At the same time, the “good cops” don’t seem to do anything to rid the force of the “bad cops” and so become complicit in their bad

I was glad to see a different reviewer assigned to Mindhunter S2, little did I know it would turn out to be one of those careful-what-you-wish-for things. Setting Sean T. Collins to review a show with a gothic approach to horror (the old definition of gothic being a “comfortable terror” of slow boils and psychological

Did you not see last season’s The Terror? This show unrolls slowly. That’s part of what makes it so dreamily beautiful. Even the color is slowly draining out as we approach the spirit world/a world comprised of human paranoia.

I’m for unions and therefore I’m for police unions, but it would be great if police union heads sounded less like mob bosses.

“...a Cop Is Being Held Accountable for Eric Garner’s Death.”

Fuck em. Especially since they are largely responsible for shielding officers from accountability when they fuck up.


Im totally pro union except for LEOs. All cops are bad. 

Cathy is baptist garbage and they donated 2 million of the profits they made from the store to anti gay groups through the Winshape foundation.

If you think bronze age goat herders are a good source of morality, you need to get a better source of morality.

Tomato, for all the various piles of shit you’ve excreted into the ether around here, this has to be one of the dumbest.

It’s not badly-written, to be fair—but god damn, man, the guy struck protesters with a truck. The thing about being in law enforcement (or the military, for that matter) is that members are held to a

This all ties back into what Ben Shapiro pooped out of his mouth today. Low-wage jobs are the fault of the working class. It doesn’t matter to these chuds that “someone” needs to flip burgers, or answer calls, or manicure their mistresses’ nails (until robots can do these things). They don’t think they or theirs would

I don’t get shame from questioning that number. I just don’t understand it. I’d wager the majority of adult men could identify her by sight and know her name. For her fame and popularity, the women deserves a tremendously larger amount of money.

Disagree. I think people feel exposure, as in the number of times you see a clip/video/whatever posted, directly relates to how much money you make. If you see something posted a zillion times, presumably the performer, of whatever stripe, is making a ton of money. I think that’s why people feel so comfortable about