
As an Italian American, Fredo is not a slur. There are actual slurs for Italians, and they come nowhere near close to the n-word or any other slur. 

Poor guy. How will he ever go on!

We just settled a contract, and our organization leadership has already hinted that they’re coming after healthcare next time around, so I’m putting away a little each month towards a strike fund. Sure would be nice to use that money towards a vacation, or a bathroom remodel, or any other goddamned thing other than

As a lawyer that worked with unions on contract negotiations, Sara Nelson couldn’t be more right. So much of the fight become about moving the percentage needles on healthcare, that you just get fatigued on other critical issues. It becomes another way to talk about money, so you’ve got salary and then healthcare, but

“When we’re able to hang on to the health plan we have, that’s considered a massive win, but it’s a huge drag on our bargaining,” she told Politico. “So our message is: Get it off the table.”

There’s an odd little back reference in the scene where HAL is disabled that I fear is virtually lost to time now. HAL sings Bicycle Built for Two (Daisy, Daisy...) as the computer modules are taken offline. This calls back to a TV series that was hosted by Walter Cronkite called the Twenty First Century, a follow up

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“2001” was my first art damage experience. My parents took me to see it at the drive in the year after it had been released. By the end of the film my Dad and siblings were sound asleep but I was transfixed with bulging eyes glued to the screen. I was a bit of a sci-fi kid having grown up on the Irwin Allen shows and

You’re totally right - this *is* an unpopular opinion.

The first time I watched 2001 at home I spent most of it struggling not to fall asleep, the second time I appreciated it more but still remained at a distance. Then last year I went to see it in IMAX and was already in tears for the second half of the prologue and the entire first Blue Danube sequence, it was one of

Serious question here.  Even before Spacey’s fall from grace, did anyone else find his performances... over-rated?  He always seemed first and foremost to me like an actor dramatically reading lines, not a living character.

Because the movie’s asking us to take it seriously.

Chris Cooper coming on to Spacey was the huge misfire for me. His raging homophobia covering up his own sexual orientation was just stupidly on the nose. It would make more sense for him to just be a hard-ass retrograde Marine. And even if he WAS gay, he is not going to come on to the neighbor his thinks his own son

(This is why you’re mad? Because your wife doesn’t want you to spill beer on a couch?)

My opinion of ‘American Beauty’ has held firm since my first viewing, Its bad, hysterical, horribly overacted, wannabe arthouse garbage. It has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer wielded by a baboon. It felt like it was a story of middle-aged suburban angst written by an over-enthusiastic teenager for a film project.

I guess the second Invasion of the Body Snatchers is not on this list because they did not yet have the PG-13 rating.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

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Pretty cool, Mr. Shilling! Pretty cool! My favorite sports call and what amps me up for exercise or lifts my spirits from the darkest of recesses is the commentary on Billy Mills’s 10,000 m win in the 1964 Olympics (I don’t know who the commentators are):

Nobody cares what you call your idiot murder toys.

So, does this mean we can legalize illegal drugs, because those are seriously popular too?

Modest gun control measures are far, far more popular than assault rifles.