
For reasons I cannot explain, my best friend and I were obsessed with The Dresser when it came out, back in high school days. Finney was absolutely brilliant. But what hits me now is that he seemed so damn old at the time; he was younger than I am now. I don’t know if that was the perspective of a teenager, or acting.

The old man’s still an artist with the Thompson.

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And yet Rocket, despite being a bloodthirsty pathological thief with a mordant sense of humor, is now a beloved children’s-culture icon.

“The vast, vast majority of Americans believe that you should be able to feed your family on 40 hours a week. We believe that health care is a right, that work should be dignified and we believe that all people should be accepted regardless of their race, gender, or ethnicity,” she said.

No, it isn’t. It should be, but it isn’t.

When you start branding everything socialism, Medicare for all, unions, higher pay, fairness, suddenly socialism doesn’t look too bad.

What do you think socialism is that we already have it?

If Draymond was any more of a dick he’d have to kick himself in the head. 

Remember when Booker got pissed about people badmouthing Bain Capital

Booker’s 2013 Senate campaign was funded by Jared Kushner.

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My all time favorite Crank Yankers call. Featuring Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman.

I am a lawyer who has also worked as a journalist and marketing/communications professional. I have met very smart and very dumb people in all three fields. Some of the very smart people are poor because the specific niche they chose to work in is rewarding in ways that don’t fatten their bank accounts. Some of the

“This shit is stupid. Please stop reporting it; it’s not news. Thank you.”

I think it’s dumb to try and remove her because she cut ahead in line. That’s what I find stupid. If the challenge is “I think I can do a better job” then go for it. If it’s because “She annoys me and I was next in line” then it’s dumb.

I am sending AOC money in the hope that she will make sure that politicians will never be able to take money.

Ugh this is stupid. She was up against Joseph Crowley and won. If there were other people “In line” for the seat they should have run as well. That’s how this works after all.

You're thinking of The Grey. This is the one where he becomes Mr. Plow. 

I swear, sitting through that movie was worth it just to see Neeson strap sharp shit to his fists to fucking punch fucking wolves.
It is my belief not a single wolf survived that encounter.

If you sit on your hands for like ten minutes before you email the team your trade request, you can’t even feel your hands while you're typing.