
Edibles need to be regulated so that a normal serving size (say one cookie) must not deliver more than one rational dose. It’s a fucking cookie. When you eat a fucking cookie you eat the whole fucking cookie, not one sixth of the fucking cookie. This is especially true for cookies for stoners.

Edibles need to be regulated so that a normal serving size (say one cookie) must not deliver more than one rational dose. It’s a fucking cookie. When you eat a fucking cookie you eat the whole fucking cookie, not one sixth of the fucking cookie. This should be especially true for cookies for stoners.

Fuck firing the cop, why wasn’t he charged with felony kidnapping?

That was felony kidnapping and should prosecuted as such.

Considering the logic of the world and the characters, how was what happened to Sansa and Theon not more or less foregone? Considering the milieu alone, and granting Sansa a fairly well-adjusted groom, you can remove Theon from that scene and grant Sansa time to undress, but marriage means obligations, and the most

Those cops are all patently guilty of felony assault and kidnapping. If DAs were genuinely tough on crime rather than members of the same gang as the criminals caught on tape here, they’d be rushing to put guys like these behind bars. It’s not just that they’ve committed an obvious crime, it’s that they’ve used the

Yes, some white people have been called thugs but that’s in response to them doing something problematic.

That's funny, because Jezebel's own writers use the word all the time. Here's from today:

Thought I'd plug the role Theodore Parker played in protecting the Crafts from the slave-catchers who'd come to Boston to return them to slavery. The Garrisonians weren't about to threaten anyone with violence, while people like Parker (later one of the Secret Six—the principle financiers of John Brown's raid on

1. You don't know what hearsay is, yet you feel the need to spread your misunderstanding of the term

Fincher's best movie by far, IMO.

Just posted this for Saeeda:

"An Ceiling Cat sed them O hai maek bebehs kthx."