
I need to re-watch the Turin Horse (gulp); I've seen most all of Tarr's films (I think), love some of them, and once watched Satantango (7.5 hr running time) in a single sitting (with standing and stretching), and liked it fine, but Turin Horse was the penitential slog for me that those weren't. Oh, the potatoes.

I just find it eye-rolling that they or their computer would have had the grounds to hypothesize about the signal either way—apart from its being broadcast from a derelict. It's a signal: it could be an SoS, a warning, a jingle for some new alien product, whatever. Without any reference points, which would be their

Yes, all lapses, though, within the realm of plausibility. We don't roll our eyes them, and I don't think anything they do can be flatly called stupid outside of the breaking of quarantine—which is what they were knowingly doing: breaking quarantine protocol. It's not that they didn't know, it's that they were freaked

Except "born that way" arguably does in fact hand them the ammo they need, on exactly their terms. They claim it's against the natural order of things; "born that way" claims that, to the contrary, it is, which is to concede to their fallacious notion that naturalness decides rightness. Whether something is natural or

No, really, for fuck's sake. Quite making excuses. I'm not splitting hairs: stupid characters, action, and writing abound. We don't need to know any more about the geologist and he wasn't forthcoming, because listen, man, he's only in it for the money. AND HE LOVES ROCKS! He IS his motives, man. Far out, right? We

Ripley likes cats. Maybe some people can identify that, and maybe the irrationality of that is at once a show of the bravery-through-compassion that character is known for, if not in part an unpredictable response to the danger of the situation. Because going back for Newt wasn't so intelligent either, far less so,

That is some bullshit.

Marketed more likely as the horror film it is.

Now let's see him cut his hair

If I lived to be that old I wouldn't die till 2088. There are probably lots of posters here who'd live to see 2100. Crazy.

Interestingly, in Medieval literature, which is maybe reflected in the culture, dunno, the King's favorite is often his sister's son, and the logic of certainty over possibility, rooted one might guess in pretty deep misogyny, was the standard explanation, as I recall (it's been a while). The two instances I remember:

And here's a nice attempt at rendering the Discovery's interior:

"A sense of wonder includes humility": of which there is very little in accepting as true the claims of religions we know to be a continuously evolving product of history or, worse, the claims of some nebulous meta-piety that presumes to name all religions, in contradiction of their exclusive truth claims, as merely

LOST: season 4 finale. No season 5.

Who is that reflected on his noggin who hasn't yet been added to the heap? Hawkeye? Some other Marvel archer?

That's from Team America, if you can't tell before clicking

Now playing

Your headline made me think of this and only this


20th Century Fox made the original host take the script down. If anyone has another while-it-lasts link for the script, please share?