
*hoping I remembered all the stuff I learned during grad school*

Look, it’s not funny anymore. He is legitimately batshit crazy. He is seriously mentally ill, and the Cabinet needs to,invoke the 25th Amendment. Now. Either that or he needs to be impeached. Now.

Back in the day, the tag line for his ads was “Please be kind to Frank Ancona Honda”.

Defense Intelligence Agency is at least three steps below cabinet level, so it’s not that unusual for Obama NOT to meet with him. National Security Adviser, however, is an every day face time position.

Boy, the carrier mafia has really done a job on US defense planning, huh? There has been a huge (and I mean HUGE) hole in US defense planning since the 70's. They have never appreciated the cruise missile threat, or maybe they thought they would be operating in a permissive (open sea) environment, so they wouldn’t

Obama walked a tightrope for two years on this, and I think he did about as well as anyone could given the fact that it’s Ukraine.

I don’t know if it’s stupidity as a direct quid pro quo for helping Trump win the election.

Isn’t it conveinent that oil prices are suddenly starting to rise again after our asshole NSA Mike Flynn put iran “on notice”? Whatever the fuck THAT means.

Hmm... 19.5% of Rosneft was sold to a mysterious overseas buyer last week. In July, the Steele “Golden Shower” dossier claimed Putin offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he would dump sanctions against Russia. Tillerson is sworn in as Sec State, now we have a war of words with Iran that caused oil prices to spike.

I find

I just moved to Atlanta, and we’re staying here unless some company throws a ton of money at me or we have to evacuate because of the Trumpocalypse. Although I’ll be a Chiefs fan until I die, my kids will probably be at least secondary Falcons fans. Plus, Trump LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES the Patriots because of the winning.

You’d be amazed at how well alcohol-based hand sanitizer removes markers.

I had a 1996 Contour SE with the V6 and a 5speed manual. God, I loved that car with every fiber of my being. Reliable as hell and so fun to drive. I can only imagine what an SVT would have been like.

Terrell, just a minor nitpick, but I think you have a typo in your CEP for the Iskander missile. Published reports put the CEP around 10 meters, which seems highly suspect to me, but you said 10 kilometers.

Mattis will stop a lot of this shit from happening. He will also stop Tillerson from starting a war with China.

I’m telling you right now. If journalists start dying in “Muggings” and in other mysterious ways, I’m getting the fuck out of this country.

It’s just a distraction. Ignore the ring. It doesn’t matter.

Because I am a Chiefs fan, and because I have had my heart stomped on THREE TIMES when my team has earned a first round bye (95, 97, 03), I am fully expecting us to shit the bed.

Fuck this normalization of what is happening. Fuck ABC, fuck the corporate media that helped get this man elected because it’s a better story.

I hate that this is necessary, but we need to keep doing this. Every time we get another distracting bullshit pronouncement from on-high, we need to fact check it and do the actual verifiable legwork to PROVE he’s a fucking liar.

Sure they did, if you consider tax breaks to a profitable company a bribe.