
No, they didn’t get your support, you fucking hypocritic snowflake. In this case, your support was your vote.

No, she didn’t commite a felony. And it may sound bad, but in her role of Secretary of State, her intent is pretty much the sole determinant of whether or not she committed a crime. The rules literally were different for her as Secretary of State.

The Incredible Melting Man, anyone?

The Hike was so good, I can ALMOST forget that it was written by a human/alien hybrid with incredibly malformed thumbs. Jesus Christ, every time I see them fully extended it freaks me the fuck out!

If every person who voted against their own intrests had stayed home and not voted, Trump would have had about half a dozen votes. I understand wanting change, I really do. I understand that millions of people are hurting, feel that they Federal government has abandoned them, but a vote for that man is a vote for the

No it didn’t, it marked its rebirth. Artists create when they are hurt amd angry. Did you see Chappelle’s monologue? He killed.

The person who commented above about paying attention to the people who became Trump voters is accurate these people felt alienated, yearning for a time when they could have a job, maybe a small house, a car, and maybe go on vacation to the Great Lakes every summer and Disney once for their young kids. They don’t

Yes, Inthink that it’s going to be a stunning rebuke of that Shit bag. I also think that the polling methodologies are off, big time. I haven’t been called for a poll once this year. I only have a cell phone, but I’m a white male registered voter, likely voter, married, college educated.

This is witty, but give the man a break... He is 15-2 in his last 17 regular season games. 29-8 TD-INT ratio since the start of the 2015 season with a 90+ QB rating...

This election has finally convinced me that the GOP doesn’t give a shit about the Presidency. They own Congress, 30 governor’s mansions and 30 state legislatures, this is where their real power lies. They keep trying to shape things (hello Kansas) and are REALLY fucking things up long term while the Democrats just

How about oh, I don’t know, work on getting candidates elected at the local, state, and congressional level? If you’re not a billionaire and you want to really build a party, that’s how you do it, not by showing up every four years and wasting everyone’s time and money.

Take the gloves off Hill, but do it like a professional. Forty years of bullshit has coalesced into the shape of a Dessicated Cheeto wearing a sea fan as a toupee, and he is LITERALLY the only thing between you and the Presidency.

I wonder if they know how little money their father is really worth, or if he really is in Putin’s jockstrap...

It’s just an expression. They have abandoned their role of serving the public interest so they can pad their stock prices for their corporate leadership. The large news companies aren’t honest brokers or independent voices, but people still act like they are. It’s a real shame and it weakens our democracy.

They aren’t pro Trump, they are pro-Close election. By all rights, Trump should be down and out, with even the House in jeopardy. But, once Hillary started opening double digit leads, THAT’S when they started bringing up the health stuff...

Speaking for all depressingly average white guys, that’s just depressing. But hey, I have two kids and a (hopefully)happy wife, so I’ll just deal with it.

So you want to burn down the house to get rid of the bedbugs? That’s really fucking smart. You want to undo the (admittedly limited, but still incredibly significant) progress made in the last 8 years? Go right ahead. You know what Trump wants to do, he literally wrote a fucking book about it. He’s going to have the

Hillary is a horrible candidate for the very reasons she’s going to be a good President, and that’s annoying as fuck...

Old white men arent Bernie or Busters...

Im thinking Ron Howard or Spielberg or Travolta. Didn’t Spielberg produce Goonies?