
hardcore disagree, but not for lack of charisma from/ chemistry between the mains. It felt very “going through the romcom motions”, but theron and rogan were reliably enjoyable to watch. Respect for the panic attack breathing scene though bc that counting to four stuff works.

Thank you for sharing your story. Holy shit that is one of my worst fears and I am just happy to hear you survived, even if it’s a struggle at times now. 

hey, frizzy is a look!! - something I tell myself every morning when I inevitably give up on my too-long, lackluster curls : (

I genuinely like the idea of, “hey, this will only be 10 minutes, so let’s see your craziest idea or something you’re super passionate about”. It could lead to so many creative projects and could introduce audiences to new voices/artists. But the execution and the emphasis on “premium” seems to have made it just an

When I first heard about Quibi, I thought it would be a great platform for indie/up-and-coming newbies to give us tidbits of shows that could eventually be turned into full-length streaming shows. I feel like this could be a new way to shop pilots instead of the traditional season, and a way to introduce audiences to

This is so rooted in white supremacy, too. I know there are BIPOC’s who have the TERF opinions, but white supremacy is the paradigm that allowed white people to claim what is or isn’t a valid human existence. SMDH, burning all my HP books and donating. FUCK YOU J.K. ROWLING FUCK YOU

yes!!!! this perfectly encapsulates how I feel about Abbott’s books! She loves to use the teen girl tropes to lure us in for what we think will happen, and then twist the plots and characters to something completely unexpected or, something dark we don’t want to confirm. I love her!

is it just me, or are pictures of rihanna an instant mood-boost? Like, I have been having a shit day already and her tiger suit is making me legitimately happier. She is such a gift to the world!

she is so good. Alias was a great show mostly because of her! He fucked up for sure.

It’s not a conundrum, just a straw man for the losers. The entire sport of Gymnastics changed in 1976 when an unusually tiny girl named nadia comaneci scored a perfect 10. Just like that, coaches went into pre-schools, kindergartens, etc. looking for the smallest, most malleable-looking gymnasts to defy physics. The

Lisa “Never say no to a buck” Rinna NEVER SAYS NO TO A BUCK!! she is the ultimate HW’s ringer.

haha I would not want Rinna’s bony-ass, snakey shoulders rubbing into me. OWN IT, RINNA! Issa looks dope AF.

a.) HONORABLE MENTION to one last amazing long-form fight scene from Stephen Ammel...

lol. * puts tinfoil hat on * See, the thing about skin care is, it’s mostly about consistency and moisturizing. Nothing else is really science-backed (think about it- why would rich ppl spend SO MUCH MONEY on procedures to make them look like A-for-Effort winners in the fight against aging and bad skin, if they could

ohmigod breakfast casserole. I’m so hungry now lol.  

is it just me, or does he look like a family guy character come to life? This is not a political question, lol (at least, no on purpose!).


I’m sorry about your douchey coworkers, and agree this site can be filled with a lot of white women who disregard WOC as-needed to fit their day-to-day beliefs. I wish there was a democratic candidate who actually addressed the military/prison industrial complexes in a way that showed they care about what we do to

I was shocked by how much I liked Steyer’s stances, even as ex-oil $$(and maybe, especially as ex-oil $$). National emergency for Climate change is something i’d get behind.

I honestly think they should have been running together. I don’t understand why they didn’t, if Bernie was encouraging her in 2015. Ego? Momentum? The concerns you outlined above about her ability to run the strongest campaign? (for the record, I’ve been team warren since she was floated in 2015, but am fine with