Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery. All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.
Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery. All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.
With a name like “AOCIsRetarded” we know we are getting thoughtful, nuanced, unbiased commentary. Oh wait no, you are just a dumb fuck troll. Fuck off dumb fuck troll. Seriously, fuck off. Get some real hobbies. Maybe exercise too. Someday you may know what the touch of a woman feels like.
For going on 30 years now I’ve been saying that the jobs will come back from China when Americans are willing to work for Chinese wages.
He still hasn’t managed to outdo original Tea Party Asshole Rick Santelli, who proposed that we just go ahead and infect everyone so that the economy can get on with making money.
That looks like the opposite of shutting the fuck up.
South Korea is too expensive and they source a lot of their parts from China. Indonesia is too unstable and unreliable and India, well the way Modi is going will be at civil war soon.
Shut the fuck up.
My inlaws made this comment yesterday too. I should have figured, as usual, that they were just quoting whatever racist they’d seen on tv.
Of course, only the total morons don’t see that that ship has sailed. To onshore all the component production again would take years if not decades. Added to that would be the ten fold increase in cost to produce locally which is why they were offshored in the first place.
“It’s gonna be very interesting to see what happens because of this coronavirus,” Gosar said in a video posted to YouTube. “It’s really hampering trade from China, so this is an opportunity for America to shine. Our manufacturing, our services, all those things we can build on.”
alcohol based hand sanitizer doesn’t create resistance in bacteria
If this is a life-long California car and has not been imported from a rust-state, then it’s most likely a relatively rust-free car with a solid undercarriage and body, which makes it automatically worth a metric shit-ton more than about 90% of the rest of similar Mustangs. As it appears in the ad, it looks pretty…
Yeah, because that Audi wagon is a shit purchase and is a dime in a dozen which is why it is valued so low. This car is rare and is a hell of a lot more of an experience than what you would get from that Audi. A “restored” Mach 1 would be triple to quadruple the price of this example. That Audi will cost thousands and…
This isn’t going to be a nightmare to work on or tank in value and never return like an Audi.
What I got from this review was:
Why doesn’t VW push the lovely Arteon for this “empty nester” market?
“get someone elected who will not destroy the fucking supreme and circuit courts with goblin judges”
Dems will never win an election if they continue to think this way. You may not get what you want, but is the Dem who wins the primary better than the person that is currently in office? That is the question they should be asking. If the answer is yes, then they should make sure vote for that person.
I believe that if you think Biden is your only option for leading this change, and decide not to vote, you’ll have doomed a lot of down-ballot people who would help.