
Gosh! Say it ain’t so! I guess I’ll be marveling at the pump again soon as I watch all the single-driver Tahoes and F250s filling up on $4.50 a gallon gas?

You magnificent bastard!

‘64 Rambler Classic

Factoid: the German nickname for the CX500 is “Güllepumpe”, or liquid manure/slurry pump.

That is some wild shit!

Hell with the “New and Improved” EPA, perhaps VW will be able to just resell the damned things.

That’s not a bicycle. THIS is a bicycle.

Star for “JimTom’s Doula”

Came here for at least one Kodos comment. Kodos - err, kudos to you.

How very fitting that the photo for this is a MINI. I bought an ‘06 Cooper S Convertible, and good god was that thing a blast to drive. I haven’t had that much fun in a car since my ‘73 Civic (don’t laugh).

Shine on, you Crazy Diamond.

I believe more people in this country have been killed by toddlers with guns than by bona-fide “brown muslin” terrorist-types, so yeah.

But the worst thing is that he actually doesn’t know shit of good politics.

“Not worried about what his owner thinks.” His owner? Martellus Bennett is a slave?

I know the guy. He owns a chain of adult novelty stores in Tennessee.

Also fond of Apricot Pol Pot.

The first of many tragedies, I fear.

Driving my ‘73 Civic like a loon on Shoreline Highway on the way to Stinson Beach, I came into a crowned corner and over-corrected a skid to within inches of a fucking cliff with a 100-foot drop through the trees. A little pee came out.