I observed a couple returning two clearly used boogie boards to the Costco in Lihue last week. Great idea! Buy sporting goods on vacation and return them before you go home!
I observed a couple returning two clearly used boogie boards to the Costco in Lihue last week. Great idea! Buy sporting goods on vacation and return them before you go home!
Apropos of nothing in particular, a friend of mine who has no filter once told KJ “don’t touch me, dirt-lip” when he put his hand on her shoulder in a local coffee shop.
Delusionally arrogant and/or stupid? Yep. Big brass balls in an empty suit.
I just don’t see how this can truly be called a “bombshell” when most sentient beings have reached the conclusion that FIFA has been operating as a de facto criminal organization for years. Much like the IOC, bribes and back room dealings would seem to be the order of the day.
It’s truly hideous to behold.
However, I have noticed in my Outback that I rarely need to make 3-point turns. The turning radius is super-tight.
Seems legit.
Quant suff!
Fuck this asshole. Seriously. Where do you get off leaving such a self-righteous bitch manifesto on some stranger’s car? It’s not like the person is driving a Panther tank for fuck’s sake.
Dear Jeb,
Exit row seats. Seriously, fuck the 4’10” little shit sitting there who can’t open the door in an emergency.
It would mean that next time around, don’t vote for lint-heads.
What a hopelessly dull profile. This is a design that says absolutely nothing but “here, have some strained peas”.
100. So.Much.Data.