WHAT THE FUCK. Who approved this, David Cronenberg? I’m gonna have nightmares every time I’m near a new car lot now. EAAAUGHH.
WHAT THE FUCK. Who approved this, David Cronenberg? I’m gonna have nightmares every time I’m near a new car lot now. EAAAUGHH.
There’s less vacuum in that particular galaxy. More medium to convey sound.
I disagree. First degree premeditated murder. He shut off the water, failed to note it in the log, and never turned it back on - that requires premeditation. It requires dedication to seeing someone die. The guard who shut off the water should hang, and the warden should join his charges for conspiracy to commit…
What about one of those party-powered pedal-powered bars? You see them in Savannah and other places, something like 20 people around a central bar area all pedaling to provide motive force.
FYI, https://fusion.net is showing up unsecured because it’s using a *.gawker.com certificate for https.
I’m so conflicted. People keep saying stuff like this. I tried to watch it. Wife & I sat down and started watching it. And... I don’t think we made it past 20 minutes before we both looked at each other and decided we’d rather just sit in silence and stare at a blank screen for the next hour than keep experiencing…
A couple of years ago, I did my 30 day trial of Netflix. It left me with the distinct impression of a shitty 90's video store. Not like a Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, but like a mom & pop shop, or something run out of a convenience store.
As much as I like toying with language, I’m pretty sure this skateboard is powered by the battery and motor, and controlled by the Raspberry pi. Sure, you computer can be powered by a CPU, because it’s primary purpose is to compute - where a skateboard’s primary purpose is to move. The raspi is just there to control…
Happiness, in three words: Brand New Socks. It wouldn’t even take a huge lottery, just a modest one, or even a chunk of “disposable income” for those lucky childless people who have it.
For the love of god, it’s “Psych!”, not “Sike!”
It’s not precisely what you asked, but what you want is a 1984-5 Toyota Pickup. They come in 4WD (get the manual lock hubs, the autolocks suck), and the 22R engine in them is legendary. You’ll probably have to get one with a replacement bed, because the steel they used on the beds was terrible and they’re notorious…
My personal favorite quote of the night:
He looked like a man who was going to go home and either disembowel a pet or beat his wife senseless.
“She has been reborn as Hillary the White, and returned to us at the turning of the tide.”
Google Start or iGoogle. I started a thread earlier about it.
I think you mean iGoogle or Google Start. Google+ is the Facebook replacement that is still around but only used by people who play Ingress.
I’ve never heard of this site. I’ll definitely check it out. I think the make/break for it is widget support - the great thing about Start was how well integrated it was to pretty much everything else. Sort of an early version of the Chrome plugin store. It also had the trust - take that as you may - of being a core…
Same thing, different name. I think it started as one and got renamed, but could also be reached by going to start.google.com.
Everyone’s bringing up Google Reader, but the Google service I miss most is Start. The customizable Start page that let you put EVERYTHING you could possibly need on one page, or two pages, or a whole stack. It was wonderful. I never understood why they shut it down.