
Whatever, I miss my flip phone.

Face like:

Why would she?

I broke up with a friend who, as I was crying from being exhausted by the sexual harassment I was receiving in a muslim country on vacation, told me “you should be happy you’re getting attention, no one is even paying attention to me”. Fuck her and her fucking face.

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

Coconut oil highly comedogenic. If you are acne prone, it can be the devil. Gives me zits the size of quarters....... but I will put it in my coffee.

Accutane ate my intestines and gave me permanent lifelong gut issues. Be careful. Acne is bad, but having a gut ache and IBS for the rest of your life is a heavy price to pay for wanting to not have cysts.

if you have naturally good skin, then yes! but if you hormone-related skin problems or hereditary/genetic bad skin, you gotta do a little more than that.

I think the only topical treatments that have been proven to make any kind of difference are retinoids and Vitamin C. I use both. Is my skin better than any other 31 year old? No. Will it be better in 20 years? Maybe.

I’m very sorry to objectify him but Orlando Bloom is sooo pretty that basically that’s all my brain cares about rn.

Elizabethtown was supposed to be Bloom’s Garden State. Instead it was his Battlefield Earth.

FUN FACT: This is one of three movies in which I walked out midway through. And for teenage me, that was a big deal, you all. Movies are expensive!

No word of a lie - I just came back from a lunchtime stop at the Thrift Store that netted me a winter wardrobe. 6 sweaters and 2 blouses. Oh, and 5 Barbies/Kens for my daughter's art project.

I have had to end a lot of friendships as of today because of people I considered close and family members were leaking info about my whereabouts as I’m living in a domestic violence shelter right now. I have friends mad because they believe everything is paid for here so I can loan them money or some shit. Others are

(Forgive me if I’m replying to wrong thread - first time poster here.) This article really affected me. I too have had a falling out with my best friend that I’ve known for 20 years, since high school. Among other things, this is a girl whose birthday I never forgot (I always sent a card and called at a minimum),

It is exactly about caring for you in a time of need. Just sitting in your house caring about me means nothing if you don’t put some action behind it. And I don’t know what the right amount of phone calls is but I know the wrong number is zero.

Oh, my sister and I have a complicated relationship. I’m 14 years older than her, and we always had a sister/mother/close friends relationship. Over the past seven years, she has stopped speaking to me numerous times, each time, without any reason given. Then she’ll pop up and want to reconnect and be besties again.