
I did not like Total Biscuit’s support of GamerGate, but claiming that he was on the hateful side of it and not the side concerned with journalism is a stretch too far. He was a liberal who supported gay and trans rights. Some of his opinions were more conservative, but that does not make it “hate”. You should learn

Thank you for the respectful report, Nathan Grayson.

When the purple haired lady stepped up as the new temporary leader, I felt a great disturbance in the force... As if thousands of MRAs cried out in terror, and suddenly started making nasty posts on the internet.

I bet you could do some funny stuff with this Fiver thing. Hey, I know, you could do a bit where some guys hold up a sign and make it look like Keemstar is sponsoring a really distasteful message.

Its only been two years.

Like shooting waves of gangbangers? Is it a stunt because it would require stunts to do in Hollywood cinema? -.-

That was Foxcon, and as far as I know the nets were erected due to threats and not actual suicides. The employees were specialist technicians, not people getting paid 5c and hour. It is a cultural thing in parts of Asian to use suicide as a political statement.

I haven't heard of this until ACM.

I guess we didn't need my childhood ideas of jettisoning smokers into space.

And when their people start committing suicide en masse they'll emerge as a completely different sort of powerhouse. People in the US can hardly cope with the strain of modern life. They don't even feel bad or dishonored for deliberately sucking at everything they do.

You know that you already did, right? Look up. I said "Of course it can't be done with the traffic on" You said "which was my point [another gif because you can't construct an argument without pictures]" So I get your point and I don't at the same time because pictures. Of course.

Sorry, but Grand Theft Auto is not a

There's not much wrong with buying a title before you see the reviews. The thing is that pre-ordering encourages bad business practices, seen here by the addition of major content as a launch DLC with pre-order. Soon you're going to see more and more abusive takes on this model until people finally realise that

Yeah, you're right, bro, the point is to do wicked sick stunts and get a high score.

Meanwhile, US government installed regimes support forcing women to wear the hajab, and the new US backed Iraq launched a mass genocide against 'adulteress women' - executing anyone accused of adultery.

The Taliban is not a terrorist organization. Why don't you tell that to the State Department so they can fix their records. LAWL. Or do you just assume anyone at war with your state is 'the bad guy'?

North Korea is going to be the new Lindsey Lohan.

I was following Taylor Davis when she was playing FF8 music in her attic. /hipster

Not at all. I don't recall the game telling me never turn the traffic off. I don't recall there being an explicitely expressed 'point'. You don't even have to play the storyline or do multiplayer missions. The point of a sandbox game is to do whatever you want, and this guy did.

But it certainly would be a lot cool if

Lol, thinking the polic are 'good old boy bullies with itchy trigger fingers' is the exact opposite of right wing ideology. You're actually an American right wing personality who just happens to be pro gun control. It happens. But, yes, right wingers always support the cops without fail. Its more like the ones out in