
There would have been a huge opportunity for a new automaker with all the assets and talent available. However it would have made for a bigger mess in the short term. I wonder if guaranteeing the suppliers would have been effective.

fun fact: the Mondeo “sedan” (saloon) sold in the rest of the world is a hatchback, unlike the Fusion with a standard trunk.

Climate change is the trend of the climate in which we live and it’s historical movements. Its existence is not up for debate.

I think the plutocrats should just buy up half of the country, secede and make their own government, free of the EPA, OSHA, etc., run by the captains of industry. This whole “buying campaign ads and paying off lobbyists” is a very inefficient and time consuming, with uncertain results.

I like that your tl;dr section was only a line shorter than your main section lol

with all the money being spent on this big government we can’t afford some snow tires? If Trump were president we’d have tremendous snow tires and he’d make the Canadian’s pay for them!

If I’m going to steal cookies better damn well steal something better than those godawful Chips Ahoy! Glasses of milk are known to scurry away when trying to dip a Chips Ahoy, ain’t nobody got time for that!

4th: This is my greatest complaint about CAFE: It shifts responsibility for fuel mileage and fuel consumption away from the consumer and onto the auto manufacturers. FCA’s getting hosed not because they’re making bad products, but because the good products they make that people want and value all tend to use more

That’s the best first-gen Touareg investment you can make: not driving it.

She isn’t fit to clean Kelly Johnson’s toilet.

Next year...

Do the drivers not care about their livers?

Gawker rule 1... never miss a chance to take a cheap shot at a candidate you don’t agree with, or more likely, don’t understand.

why does stance crowd usually compares itself to the muscle car culture?

The Nazi stuff reminds me of my favorite story of racist war spoils: in the civil war, Minnesota sent one of if not the first (don’t recall my history too well) battalions to go fight. They were pretty good, and ended up capturing the Virginia state house, and taking its racist confederate flag. Fast forward a century

Dental Plan

Thank you Doug. Since the news of VW’s lying broke I’ve avoided sleep until you could speak up on this travesty. Off to catch a brisk 16 hour post-meth nap.

Big deal, Barry. It takes twice as many people to undress Eli.

Gawker: “Does new airline cost structure encourage anorexia and smoking?”

Wow...Micro Macines. That’s some nostalgia right there. I wanted to search for them to see if I could snag some on eBay, but then I realize they would just end up being things I step on in the morning and start cursing.