I would imagine so. Everything I've read says the problem is that electric motors require a ton of energy to spin at high speeds... so lowering the motor speed should ease that issue significantly.
I would imagine so. Everything I've read says the problem is that electric motors require a ton of energy to spin at high speeds... so lowering the motor speed should ease that issue significantly.
I'll answer your question:
WTF Geist... Targa != Convertible.
But what will they say when their M-tuned triple turbo eight speed supercomputer sportscar gets beaten by Ford's wagon axle small block brute? Egh, they'll be too high on their own smugness to notice.
A little information can be a lot wrong. You're talking about aerodynamic drag, which indeed increases at about the square of speed, and the power to overcome is about cubed. However, such drag is quite minor at 60mph, and even at 130mph is only just starting to become significant on today's aerodynamic car bodies.
Wait, what? It can get to 60 in 4 seconds, but the next 70mph takes 7.5 times as long?! Holy crap that's slow. I know electrics w/o gears struggle with higher speeds but that's ridiculous.
While true, it doesn't become as crucial until you start getting up over several hundred horsepower in (relatively) light cars. Otherwise, even in a normal "sports car," if you get the launch down, you'll hook up and make the run. When you're talking nearly 800hp in a relatively light car, hookup is an issue all the…
Those 0-60 numbers are going to depend on ultra-sticky rubber and, more variably, ultra-sticky asphalt. It's no doubt the car has the power, but getting down into the low 3s is more about putting it to the ground than anything. So, yeah, maybe on a sprayed drag strip you may see about 3.0. On an actual road? …
He should've received a life sentence from that tree. But it managed not to kill him. He should have received a life sentence for killing his friend. But he managed to live.
TONIGHT! The Korean Army flies a helicopter...
Down McNewbie! Down! Tongue was firmly planted in cheek, relax!
It's a supercar! You can tell because it has weird, stupid, impractical doors!
1st gear: Will carries a fire extinguisher but no cellphone? He's doing it wrong. You're supposed to create a fire, then get out of the car, take pictures, and tweet about it while it burns. Just don't flip off race control in the process.