
I’m going with this one.

The fact that people will unsubscribe if someone takes a day off of streaming tells you everything you need to know about how toxic the general streaming community is.

I feel “influencers” should be punished more severely to show how they’re held to a higher standard than other players. 

Man those quotes are such garbage.

a) he cheated so he should get banned

Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time.

It’s why Malic uses mind mapping software to keep a cross-referenced digital ‘conspiracy wall’ of all the Galnet articles.

I’ve grown into a small time audiophile, but generally when asked what to look for in “Bang for the Buck” headphones I answer with “The Sennheiser logo”

Hearing about graphical downgrades for a port of an old game is strange to me. The Switch should be more than able to run these types of games. I wonder if devs shoot a bit lower because they don’t have, or want, to allocate resources to properly fine-tune these games for the Switch.

Sounds like something some good

Tacko Bruiseday

That’s what dancing is.

By not reading it

how can you read this article and come away with that take.

You grossly misunderstand not only Marx, but the very core of what Communism’s end game is.

Probably made in China

What are you even talking about with this? MTG Arena had some hiccups much earlier on that the company has tried to fix, but as far as the game goes, you can literally access any portion of the game without paying a cent. That’s the only F2P online card game I can think of that allows for that level of access. 


And you don’t think Hasbro might have some relationship with China?

theyve always been on the progressive side of things. theyve even been adding lgbt npc’s and such into their dungeons and dragons adventure books among other things. they are legitimately all about being inclusive and fighting the good fight and its great.

all of which were assembled by three Denver-based collectors who took 52 years to amass them.

An example of projection: