
Take them to car shows, he’d take others for rides or let family drive them.

I had a neighbor who used to build Corvettes for fun from independently fabricated fenders and old engine blocks. They looked great.

He didn’t do it for profit, he did it because he loved Corvettes and wanted to get involved and literally make his own. Just deemed them as project builds and “likenesses.”

Kind of the

Why is Jon king? and Why is Tyrion Hand?

“I never tried to run into them. I was just going to work,”

I think we know what happens when you don’t get out of her way.

Ah thanks, I missed a line there somehow.

“Trainers outside of Chicago will attempt to catch as many Pokémon as possible during the Challenge Windows to extend the duration of the bonuses unlocked by those attending the event.”

*two guys going at it

What about athletics where judges determine if it’s a catch, or strike, or if a player crossed a line, landed a punch....

“Why is this so hard?!”
-Bryce Marlatt to is Uber driver.

Let’s hope that public square isn’t properly armed with guns in case of bear attacks.

Man, I’ll always love this picture and the memories of the LAN parties I used to have with friends. It must’ve been over ten years since I went to one when Crackdown was still fairly new.

In high school the local library used to host LAN parties monthly. Stuff was great, I remember playing the Wii for the first time

I feel like last year the midnight-early morning time slots were obscure and lesser known games. This year I’m seeing between 11pm and 4am:
Half-Life 2, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil, Link’s Awakening, FFVII, Castlevania...

Either I’m remembering stuff incorrectly or they really changed things up in the schedule

You wood miss out on more puns.

This seems pretty awesome. I’d be on board with this well before the wooden PCs from that other company I can’t even remember the name of.

You should change your gamertag to ALTF4HEY.

Maybe it was a forced intoxication by his own hand.

I’m still waiting on a Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance 3.

I can’t wait to miss my chance on getting my hands on one of these.

But hey, this announcement only means I’ll get to miss out on the N64 Classic when that comes out as well.