God Hand BrynnFlynn

Seriously considering a light box... I work in the basement of an office building with no natural light anywhere. This winter has been so yucky and cloudy I haven't been able to get out of the office to take my usual walk, and since I get into the office before the sun rises and leave as it's setting I miss out on my

Bastards. I wasn't going to preorder until payday on Thursday, but I could not resist.

Haha, I knew there was someone else out there who had played it. :D

Holy mother of god, this sounds like the amazing grown-up successor to the old school Petz series. Count me in!

Agreed. I understand that she went through a traumatic experience (and I'm trying to be a PC as possible), but it's not fair to the gaming community to allow her to project her past on what gaming is and is trying to become.

Which will be about 1k words ranting on how she's being killed with a CLEARLY PHALLIC environmental item, perverting the traditional and safe view of nature as feminine, while at the same time putting Lara in her place WITH RAPE. Because she's being RAPED by the spikey thing.

Nice! I wish you luck in your planning. :D


I always change the laws as soon as I can to elective. I've never actually made it to the empire state yet, but I might pull it off with this game.

I do tech support for a living; obvious questions are my bread and butter. :D Yes, I have played it, but for some reason I enjoy playing vanilla more. *shrugs* It's more fun somehow when I get to eff up real history.

No, Crusader Kings 2 is. Bad Mike.

My thoughts exactly. Thanks, but no thanks.

Seriously (in regards to the 'no games' complainers)... I have Ragnarok Odyssey, Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and about five or six more Vita only games that I haven't done much with. I poured about 60 hours into P4G.

It's very good; I won't say it's the best RPG I've ever played, but I've already put 20ish hours into it and I can't bring myself to play anything else (same thing happened with P4G). It's got a very charming story, of which I've only just scratched the surface, and I look forward to seeing how all the nods and hints

I'm at work so it's a little hard to post a picture, but here's the text rundown.

Got mine this morning. Now debating what the devil to get! I'm still working my way through Trails in the Sky, which I got with the last PSN credit I was gifted with.

I have been seriously considering suing the person behind The Last Sleeper ( It was one of the first projects I backed, and was probably the one I was most interested in. I think it was even featured here on Kotaku.

PA also requires that you be 55+ to get the discount. Rats!

Sad face.

Do you know if this can be purchased elsewhere? Like at a comic shop?