God Hand BrynnFlynn

Considering how much Vita owners are foaming at the mouth for Monster Hunter of any kind, I'm sure it will do well.

Fuck yeah! This spreads out my future purchases nicely. Ni no Kuni this month, Bioshock Infinite / Tomb Raider for March, and Soul Sacrifice in April.

That's an even worse idea—where I live there isn't a dealership for at least 40 minutes in any direction (never mind in the direction I most often travel long distances), and the nearest service center (PepBoys), while only a minute from my house, certainly doesn't have the room or the expertise to handle this sort of


My sister was telling me about the changes. Seriously? What the hell were they thinking? Forcing the chefs to prepare one dish and have it ready to go while they're trying to prep the rest of the meal is just plain stupid. I'd much rather watch them create the food for 40 minutes and get the 10 minutes of tasting at

Dang... I'll have to check them out the next time they have a sale then!

Are they as nice as the Victoria's Secret ones? VS has become my sole bra shopping destination; even their 'cheap' bras are miles above anything else I've worn.

ENH *grabby hands* Going to have to get this in February when my paycheck comes through. But if my honorarium gets in my account before then...

Sweet. I'll probably get this when my PS3 finally kick the bucket... which at this point, considering it's a 60gb phat that sees little use, will be in about 50 years.

Now playing

The best learning tool for me was a hillariously informative Let's Play by Jon2Jeremy and Grimith. They aren't going to try to educate you on the game, and a lot of things have changed since they recorded it, but it's still my personal favorite for learning how to play the foolish game. Which I am horrifically

Then perhaps you should get the back story of why it sucks so badly.

My reactions:

For sure! I picked up a Vita over BF through Amazon and was astounded that when the codes for PS+ arrived in my inbox I couldn't hop over to an online store to activate my PS+ membership. Shows just how much my PS3 has demanded my attention these past few years.

The US version hasn't gone live yet. Cannot wait until it does though!


The basic rule of thumb is, if it already has a pool, great! It'll help the price of the house hold its own against recently sold homes. If it doesn't have one already, don't get it done. It's expensive to build, expensive to maintain, and will never hold its value like you think it will. You might want it now, but

Absolutely; the plethora of digital content at lower prices was one of the reasons I became a primarily PC gamer through the advent of Steam and GOG. I suppose I was more lamenting what seems like a missed opportunity for Sony to partner with smaller developers such as yourselves to promote their new handheld.

Wow, thanks for taking the time to stop by! I'm thrilled that it's coming to the Vita at all, by the way—please don't take my statements as trashing Oddworld. It's a series I've always been interested in, but never had the time to track down or play in front of a TV.

I wouldn't consider them bundled, when the discount (I assume you're referring to the $10 coupon Amazon was offering) was minimal at best, and didn't apply to just the PS3; heck, it didn't even apply to the PC version, which was what I really wanted.

I will admit to herp derping on the assumption that Sony was publishing the game. Sorry!