
Despite how obvious this guy's roots are, I'm surprised Nintendo of all people actually showed the duck being shot, had the dog hold the dead duck's body and even showed off the gun. Bravo fellas, it was a good trailer.

Sonic 1 I'll give you, but from Sonic 2 onwards, the games were art.

Admittedly I thought about making that joke, but decided against it. :(

Now playing

When you're done reading the article fellas, listen to this afterwards to cleanse your palate:

I once had my brother tell this girl I got hit by a bus and died because I wanted to break up with her and had no idea how. She was upset apparently, never called anymore and I never ran into her again. I think the worst part is I don't even feel bad about it. :l

I'm the guy in the picture (kinda, it's my character):

That's me in the pic up there.

My job has nothing to do with tech support, IT or any of those fancy-smancy titles; but since I'm the only dude in my family that knows how to press the power button without things bursting into flames, I'm the dude they always call (what can I say, I love tech). At first it was cool, felt good to be appreciated as

Nerd out moment but that last chick (Connie) actually lost all that weight during the second series:

Hey guys, remember when Google+ integration and real names was supposed to give us a better commenting experience?

Hey guys, remember when Google+ integration and real names was supposed to give us a better commenting experience?