
Janitor... I know you’ll read this because well obviously you will, but I’m damned if I’ll let an angry little transphobe out of the greys. I am writing this on the laptop I need to do my job. But sure do feel free to post the a straw man based on a the wilful distortion of the “no ethical capitalism.” idea. My

But not in any way you care to articulate it seems. No actual refuting of the points made just a vacuous reply. Do better or STFU

Are streamers playing the game actively fighting against Trans people? Or just people who chose thier enjoyment/profit over a likely useless boycott?

No youre right. We should just let the people h are financially contributing to transphobia do so without comment. That totally helps trans people. Or we can call out that behaviour, the possible cost of people feeling bad  when tacitly supporting transphobia so they can enjoy a luxury item is fine by me.

Henry Ford is not alive pushing his values, JKR is. Now if you have evidence of the current Ford board having similar views to Henry then and only then you might have a point. Until then piss off and take that pitiful straw man with you.

Ok Neilus, we get it. You dont want to feel bad about supporting transphobia and antisemitism. We get that you dont want others to feel bad about supporting transphobia and antisemitism. It really is pretty simple though. Supporting this game, an utterly unnecessary luxury item, is giving actual financial support to

Wilful ignorance is very much their brand. That and recycling tropes previously or indeed sometimes currently aimed at the gay or black communities.

Oh my, theres a far right in the greys confidently claiming biology “facts” as if it’s not at all in any way more complex than that taught to 14 year olds in biology class.

Oh god yeah. Worse, here on TERF/GC island many of our TERFS believe their bigotry is left wing feminism not a reheating of the same tropes heard from Jim Crow or Gay Panic eras. They've just scratched off the previous victims of that bigotry and scrawled TRANS WOMENS on with a sharpie. 


FarRight MAGA chuds: Freedom of speech man, it’s like really important. You can’t tell youdont like me saying something because that is censoring my freedom of speech.

Yes, because you own the copyright for Jack Smith art. Now imagine youre the owner creator of Jack Smith webcomic, imagine a publisher decides they want to make a comic called Jeff Smythe with an identical art style but they dont want to pay you or any other artist for the privilege. So they scare all the art from

The reason is how copyright works. I can copy your work all I want but I can not do so to make profit not can I harm your ability to make profit.

When you have to use other peoples work to make a product that you then sell without paying those people for their work, you have stolen their work. Sure, you've added an expensive and convoluted step in the middle but its still theft fucko.

Wow, spoken as someone who truly has no fucking clue how copyright law works. The giveaway being the conflation of copying the style of an artist (whilst still producing the work organically themselves) with multimillion$ corporations deciding unilaterally that copyright protections do not apply to them and using

The Italian Job did have an answer. In a script for the planned but never filmed sequel you find out that Charlies answer was pretty smart. The problem is that the bus is finely balanced with its arse (and gold) hanging in space. What else is in the back of the bus? the fuel tank. the film ends with the engine running

So let me get this straight, a PvP only game that requires an influx of new players, has a playerbase that is upset the new update will help newer player (who will therefore be likely to stick around for longer) but not make the longer term players even more OP with the majority of meta decks requiring cards from pool

hahahaha no. Crew don't get kind of contract.