
Make no mistake, the grant mentioned is actually just the funding Transport For London got from the government during Boris Johnson’s tenure as Mayor. Funding which was immediately withdrawn when Boris became PM along with funding the police got for security for events, visits by foreign dignitaries, security for

No lets get this clear. Londoners are being forced to endure a price hike on both public transport AND the congestion zone because Prime Minister held the city to ransom. You see Boris doesn’t like Sadiq Khan, he succeeded him as Mayor and won by a significantly higher margin than either of the elections Boris won.

I think its more that when he leans forward like that the jacket hangs open hiding his gut. If he stood upright it would be monster-truck tyres as far as the eye could see. This way he can pretend its his many pecks, think of it like his version of his sons phantom lats pose.

The assclown in question litteraly went out of his way to intimidate a young black couple pushing their baby in a stroller and perform a nazi salute! Since when was that kind of behavior ok?

Fucking tinycock cosplay, performative nazism, kids that bullied at school and have decided to get their own back with a big temper tantrum. To an extent all of those right wing nuts that turn up with rifles do the same, the majority wont shot but they want you think they’re mean hombres who don’t take no shit from no

So they’re not bloodstains then? Oh.

You’re missing the point, you’re not meant to be able to pronounce it. How else could the trustafarian art school dropouts make themselves feel superior to common people, it aint by knowing shit.

Are you sure this is Anthem art? I mean they all have faces...

Dude’s got more of an aversion to drawing feet than Rob Liefeld

You know some shows can just be fun right? Not everything has to be high art or stunning animation, its kids tv ffs. It was self aware, took the piss a bit and was fun. So you didn’t dig it, I get it. It wasn’t for you and that’s fine, but try not to fall of your high horse yeah?

A show about Giant robots that references pretty much every giant robot trope? It was a love letter to mecha.

My guess, having worked in advertising for a while is this is how it went down. Someone at the agency cut together this sequence as a reference point or mood board in a pitch. The exec at Sony loved it, not listening that this was an example they said they wanted this exactly, creative team said that wasn’t possible

The pedant in me says its a cross as each button is a representative of numbers 1 through 4 using the number of lines. All of the other buttons are pictographs of shapes not letters therefore its a cross not an X.

It’s shit like this the GDPR laws were written for. As this is an American show E3 will loose some credibility but ultimately face no censure until someone can successfully sue them. In Europe this would be a clearcut case of data breach through incompetence. As it was linked on their website they cant even claim it

You get that vigilante violence is already happening to us right? Perhaps proud boys openly slapping the fuck out of people in front of police and walking away, perhaps organizers of protests being found in the boots of their cars, perhaps “militias” (and I use the term quite wrongly there) and republicans threatening

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More generic than Suicide Commando: Hellraser