Oh gods, EBM Bieber would be the worst. There’s going to be VNV Nation lyrics posted soon isn’t there.
Oh gods, EBM Bieber would be the worst. There’s going to be VNV Nation lyrics posted soon isn’t there.
Why do these trainers have a toe-box? surely the entire front end of the trainer should be cut away.
I like my trucks like i like my women..... Covered in beeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Looks like DI Barnaby has got his work cut out on this one.
It’s really quite simple, it’s done from pure necessity. A real bustling metropolis is full of people but realistic moving NPC’s are hard to model, the right level of purposeful random movement just hasn’t been done well in a game yet. In fact its the one thing I’m worried about from Cyberpunk 2077.
It’s shit like this that makes non gamers think of us as scum. Most of us aren’t anything like this but you ask a non gamer and its this shit they see. Dickhead little edgelords like this are the reason why we will always be seen as scum by everyone else.
Oh man, Inspector Barnaby is gonna have his work cut out with this lot...
For our american friends, if you wish to gain a working understanding of the scotts dialect I point you in the direction of limmy....
Church of England. C of E has any number of married gay vicars, not least of which is the Rev. Richard Coles, ex keyboard player of gay icons The Communards.
Is that “Anti Gravity Gun” just not a straight rip of the Graviton Lance from Destiny 2?
Given that the Deliverator’s car was for pizza delivery on behalf of CosaNostra Pizza™ I never understood why they would have something that pulled so many lateral G’s. Sure “The pizzas rest, a short stack of them, in slots behind the Deliverator’s head. Each pizza glides into a slot like a circuit board into a…
careful, thats not the kid. I’m all for this spunktrumpet publicly having to account for his behavior, ideally on national broadcast with an unfriendly host, ie not fox. Hes obviously not scared to show his face on camera after all, none of them are. But lets not be too quick to publicly shame and catch collateral…
Never been so much fun.
Never been so much fun.
See a netrunner,
Kill him with your gun.
See him lying by his cyber deck dying in neon.
Ugh there’s so much going on here I don’t know where to start. perhaps a list will do.
What you got against 80's hardcore bands fronted by keith morris?
Many of these band logos are indecipherable to the point of being indistinguishable form a pile of sticks found in a wooded area. Party Cannon absolutely nailed their intent in becoming instantly obvious from the rest and thus memorable in their own right. The fact they’re pretty awesome also helps.
assuming they have to keep to consistent staffing levels. If you want to avoid but keep to schedule. crunch all you have to do is hire more people so your staff don’t get burned out. Crunch is all about management cutting costs and relying on good will and unpaid time of their staff to get the product out on time.
Its a Lifeboat in as much as they are called such in England. Since we invented the term I think we can bloody well call it a lifeboat. The clue is in the name of the charity, Royal National Lifeboat Institution which was clearly written out at the start of the article.
Given that I’m English and grew up with the word Trump being a verb specifically meaning to fart loudly, Ivana Trump sounds like someone warning those in the room with them.
Please please please tell me its got an analogue of the B4030 between Bicester and Enstone in Oxfordshire. Its one of the most fun English country roads Ive driven. Razzed the living fuck out of it repeatedly back in the day, went through last year and its still just as good.