Fuck off, we’re not having her.
Gorn, just so much Gorn. Not the deepest game even given the pickup and play nature of VR games at the moment but fuck me is it fun ripping the arm off a musclebound gladiator and beating them to death with it.
His style is quite reminiscent of James Stokoe, the artist behind Ork Stain, especially in the colouring. Worth checking out.
Look I know you’re being a little more conciliatory in this thread than your somewhat “fanboy” OP, kudos for that. Admitting mistakes is rare on line and its heartening to see. With this in mind please see this as a correction not a bollocking.
yeah still not all that helpful, thanks for trying.
Given that this is affecting people already with the technology this perhaps isn’t the most helpful suggestion. Thanks for chipping in though.
yeah funny that. Context and timing can be a real bitch eh? Time and a place for these moments to be made, maybe in a thread about a man being molested by a women. Here, not so much.
“political climate inside Washington has made it impossible for me to receive balanced and fair consideration for this position.”
You know as a European I find this whole pledging allegiance thing fucking odd. Its not exactly something we do over here, do you really have to do it every morning in school? Whats it meant to accomplish?
I wouldn’t mind but he’s not even got socialism right. Socialism would be if all the kids took a portion of their candy (means tested as to how much candy they had) which was then distributed to other children that couldn’t go out trick or treating (because they were ill or busy caring for their parents say) so that…
A little background here for those of you lovely people reading this from the colonies. In britain a pie is far more often a savoury dish, though it should be noted that this is not always the case. They are often served hot though, as in the case of the pork pie, can be enjoyed cold. Most of these meat pies will…
Do not google “Mounting giant rabbits” certainly not on a work computer
Man you got stiffed on the XL/2097 sequel as well didn’t you.
Pretty much yeah, that will do it. About 3 years ago I decided to make a change after standing on the scales and it tipping out at just over 220lbs. I didn’t go on a diet but decided if it was going to stay off i needed to make a change. Being into my cycling i decided to take Team Sky’s mantra of ‘marginal gains’ on…
You make a good except for the minor fact her form is all wrong and you look like a tit. Point of fact she’s drawing a bow like she’s seen some stuff in films but never used anything with any useful draw weight. Seeing as how she’s a cosplayer who’s made an awesome prop from a game this is in no way an issue as far as…
Drain the swamp buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudy.
if you go to the youtube page it says RAF Fairford.... good spot