
so essentially a powershandy i.e. 1/2 pint cheap lager and 1 bottle Smirnoff ice.

Now playing

You know what you wanna do with that tower right? you put a banging donk on it.

Overlap from french. Codified spelling of words came about as a function of the printing press which came over from mainland Europe in the 16th century. During that time english was made up of Saxon, Celtic, Danish, Spanish, French and various German and Norse dialects. All these dialects shmushed together over time

ummm as a Brit I have never used or heard use of the word floor to refer to anything outside of a building.

As an Englishman I prefer the phase “We gave you a language.... kindly use it.”

True, but within very limited circumstances. Circumstances that I stated very clearly before. You appear to believe the police forces and judicial system are all powerful. They are not.  

hardly raging chief... just pointing out your arguments are either plain wrong or just irrelevant to the case in hand. If you don’t like having it pointed out when you’re wrong might i suggest this argument or indeed the internet in general isn’t for you.

You know that your argument is utterly irrelevant when it comes to case law right? “He said naughty and nasty words about me. Make him stop using something he has a legal right to use because it makes me look bad.” is not an argument what will stand up in court. Now swearing at a police officer is an offence (comes

still gets hot though.... slide along the track at a good enough lick and you walk away with a nice burn as a keepsake.

DIY as a term used in music certainly crosses over between the UK and US and Ive heard it used in Europe too.

It is utterly utterly batshit crazy, more camp than a row of tents and a joy to watch with mates when drunk. For best results try and get a BBC feed. Grayham Norton hosts it for us, gets quietly drunk as the night goes on and lovingly rips the ever loving piss out of the whole thing.

From experience I can say with some confidence you will not get a definitive answer regarding questions on blanket terms. Its as much to do with your local LBGTQ scene and cliques there in as anything else. As with many things offence is a very personal thing dependant on too many tings to consider listing. The end

handbrake turns in a Renault 5s. Its like being 17 all over again. Nice

not sure that works on win10... i have one and it honestly didn’t handle all that well.

I came across this at the Now Play This exhibition over the weekend in london. They set up the app to run in augmented reality using real world artworks hidden around the place. It was fun wandering round Sommerset House bumping into people looking for the little colourful rectangles and then trying to work out the

Oh god that image is just wrong.... “pixel art” with gradient fills? I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

So little respect for Dizzy! Shocking people, simply shocking.

No way the Citrus Fuhrer sacked him. He stood down to be evil elsewhere preferably away from any sort of oversight or spotlight.

Now playing

If you liked Ronin then get a copy of Taxi (the original french 1998 version) written and produced by Luc Besson and has some of the greatest homage caught on camera.