
This is great. I hope it works!

Photos of the rear!

I did the same thing. Best part is slowly tipping the kickboard till it's almost 90-degrees, like a sicking Titanic, with my poor cat digging her claws into it for dear life. It's only a matter of time before she falls in.

I just made it into Boston this morning on JetBlue after being stranded an extra three days in sunny Florida when JetBlue canceled my previous flight.

Seems to me like he's not bothering anyone. Nor did I see any "large crowds" in his video, and as far as I can tell he's obeying the rules of the road. I'm sorry you're a curmudgeon who can't appreciate that this guys is probably just trying to make people smile with the pigeon on his helmet.

And yes, he could have

Those are some weeping generalizations you make.

Woah Woah Woah guys. We got an internet tough guy over here.

I don't see anything wrong with his demeanor. In this video, or any of his other ones. Also, pretty sure I've seen this guy around Boston. He's got a convincingly real-looking pigeon attached to his helmet.

I wish my dodocase had a stylus compartment.

I will say - even the standard case is a little pricey.

DoDocase for Nexus 7

25mph is actually pretty damn respectable. So can it.

I stopped reading at "A few years back, scientists found that high-fiber foods..."
If you actually link over to the article, these scientist actually show that the process of cell destruction is GOOD for you. This is literally some person's blog and their own opinion about how this roughage doesn't sound good to them.

My local bike shop sells Geoby. I'm a super bike snob (all carbon, spandex, the works) but man, the Geoby is FUN. I took one out for a test ride just for the hell of it and I couldn't stop smiling. It was comfy, fast (with minimal effort), and there's just something nice about a bike the does most of the work for

But they can rub you off?

Happy Fucking Thanksgiving.

I live 20 minutes from where this is being sold. It's almost worth going just to check this car out and maybe test drive?

Then don't speed and you'll be fine?