
I don't really to many time trials, so saving a few grams here and there (and spending $$$$ on components) is a waste to me. But man, do a circuit race or duathlon or something. It's a bug. Even if you get dropped in the first 100 yards, it's so much fun. The beauty of it is, no matter how light your frame is, or how

I'll admit, I have a bike that cost more than my first car. Full aero, carbon frame. It was a splurge, but I do race. But that's really it, I don't have top end components or wheels. My friend just bought a new bike and was all concerned about the weight of his seatpost and handlebars...I told him he might as well

Yeah. It's silly really. But I do understand their point. I imagine that a significantly light bike will handle really weird, and could pose a safety issue to the other riders.

UCI minimum is 6.8kg (set back in 2000)

UCI reg is 6.8kg for competition bikes.

The UCI minimum weight for a bike used in a competition is 6.8 kg or roughly 14.9 lbs. Granted, this rule was set in 2000 and the cycling industry has made huge advancements since then, it really is time to lower the minimum.

Also, to my recollection, this is the lightest bike (or was in 2008). 2.8kg for the whole

13-18 pounds

I can get a tranny off craigslist whenever I want, and all for the price of a cheap hotel room.

Shit, I pictured a fleshlight when I saw that drawing...

He's from Lawrence, Ma. I live one town over - and I'll tell you, it's not a friendly place. A good portion of the cars in Lawrence are stolen or driven by people without licenses, and the city is fully of gangs and corrupt politicians. If you knew Lawrence, Ma, and read the Globe article, you'd get a better picture

Both me and my mother bought brand new cars in 2013, and neither of them have auto locking doors. She always complains to me because she wants them, and I couldn't care less.

That'll buff right out

No. this one makes me feel way worse. Because of the arrogant prick who is trying to push his agenda. If I was that women, I would have refused it. Also, if you're going to try and make a statement, stop reading from your 'script', shut your damn kids up, get a camera that doesn't make noise, and get that other

commence the shitstorm of "CARS OWN THE ROAD" and "BIKES NOT BOMBS" banter.

True. Though I don't know anything about mountain biking, other than that I'd know i'd end up with a broken [anything] the first time I tried it. I'll stick to the road. I'm not worried about scratches and dirt, bikes are meant to be ridden and used - so long as the carbon doesn't crack, I'm happy. I'll say this,

Yeah, I corrected myself. My mistake! 'Doh!

Hmmm you might be right. I think I can see the "T" of Trek on the frame. He might even be wearing a Trek jersey too. My bad.

Also, to comment on your previous comment. You're right about carbon, one drop or fall and you risk toasting the frame. I'm on my second carbon frame in 4 years, but it wasn't a fall that

I disagree on the Trek. I think it's an S-Works. Other indication is that he has other pics of the S-works on his Twitter profile:

You're the first person that actually made that connection. Yes, I'm a tri-athlete...I try to be an athlete.