
The wheels alone are approaching 5k. Can't really tell what bike it is, but it being a Tri frame, it's probably well over 3k.

EDIT - it's a Specialized S-works. Hard to tell exactly what model, but the price ranges from $3,000 to over $14,000…

That'll buff right out.

I use a Garmin GPS watch to track my runs and rides, and crunch the data with their online applications. My work also has a program where if we wear a pedometer and achieve a certain number of steps, we can make up to $500 a year just for our steps.

Oh look at you, throwing out video editing terms like you think you're showing me a thing or two. You must be some famous editor or something...nah, you probably just own a Mac with iMovie. I also do know a thing or two about post processing, since corporate video production is my profession - which is why I know

What about now?

That's just as bad IMO.

Nah. Since you can clearly see that it matches pretty damn close to the background and his teeth. So unless his teeth are also teal....

I'm taking an education guess. The backdrop is white. His shirt is shade of white. And his socks are the same shade.

0:16....white socks with a black suit? No. Any "fashion" advice after that point becomes irrelevant.

Continuity in this was terrible.

I'd respond, but I'm too busy prepping my bike (which probably costs more than your car) for a nice 40 mile road ride. Enjoy being an entitled, pretentious ass who thinks he owns the road. I'll keep on ridin'

I understand where you're coming from, and all I'm saying is that it's based merely in your opinion (that cyclists should stay off these road), and not on any law. Yes, you are correct that drivers, tractors, Amish Horse-drawn-buggies, and cyclists should all move over to allow for faster traffic - I move over when

You've contradicted your own argument with your example. Slower vehicles ARE required to move over (as far right) to allow other vehicles to pass. But no where does that say that they AREN'T allowed on the road, as you seem to imply. Just because you, in your own mind, believe that slow vehicles violate the law,

Unfortunately, I think you have no concept of the law or seem to believe that your word is law. You have yet to reference any specific state laws. Most states have law designated to "slow moving vehicles" (while most don't specifically reference cyclists in theses laws, and the ones that do say that cyclists are

I'm a cyclist and do most of my riding in the country, or rural areas where the speed limit is 30-40mph. A cyclist should not be riding in the middle of the road, and should ride to the far right as often as possible to accommodate cars passing. However, you are incorrect saying that they "should have never gone on

Was anyone else slightly turned on by the gifs of the keys moving up and Just me then...

Same thing goes for me. Everywhere I go I hate giving my name because 1) I always have to repeat it and 2) always have to spell it multiple times and they still get it wrong or pronounce it completely wrong. My name is Elan - which I understand isn't common, but it's pretty phonetic. More often than not I get