“There’s no such thing as a free lunch... box.”
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch... box.”
See, I fucking hate Floyd Mayweather. I think any person that hits a woman for any reason short of she’s running at me with a knife is the lowest of the low. That being said...
Floyd Mayweather is a lot of terrible things, and because of that, he will never get respect for being a master boxer. This post, whatever it is, is proof of that, as now we have people who clearly know very little about boxing are now determining what makes someone a coward in the ring. He fights…
- But the concept of him being a destructive force and still struggling with his ideas of the “sanctity of life” are fine in the movie.
One week in early February, three top employees from the independent game studio Darkside Games flew to Redmond,…
The comments are inevitably inundated with "lol sweaty gamer geeks can't stand a girl being better than them" - but you know what, the Hearthstone community is and always has been perfectly accepting of female talented gamers, for crying out loud Hafu was one of TWO Hearthstone players invited to go on stage at…
What makes metacritic any more or less valuable a judge of a rating than the rest of the internet?
While you're at it, Rockstar, how about a PlayStation Vita version?
You aren't missing anything. I keep getting the feeling that the people involved on either side of whatever this argument is think that this is some grand debate they're having, when it's really just a giant shouting match where no one is really listening to each other, taking place in a bubble - a tiny,…
Now maybe make the stretch in logic that your neighbor's living situation was not a common or representative one, the plural of anecdote is not data, and maybe the fact that we'll take the words of actual D-I athletes that this is a problem over a guy who lived next to a guy
I have been reading Kotaku for a year or two now, and don't really pay attention to who writes what, I just read the articles and enjoy. Despite that, I have noticed in the comments section, a number of times, people railing on Patrica and thought... "Why would someone post just to be mean to or insult the author?"
And the fact that this has now been upgraded to a "controversy" boggles my mind.