
Wow, that was a very emotionally charged response to an otherwise inane article about a new luxury SUV??

My son’s in first grade and there is a classmate whose mom carries him everywhere. She’s petite and he’s not a peanut; his feet dangle past her knees. She carries him from the bus, she carries him to the bus, he sits on top of her on the bus. I thought maybe he had some kind of mobility challenge but them I saw him at

Incredibly common.

This whole post just fixed my day. “Spider-man gambit” (with properly hyphenated spider-man mind you). I can’t stop smiling.

*doesnt understand what silent means*

Re: The nose blower. He did not specify that they were showering together. That would be understandably gross for the other individual.


Normally I hate Embiided video but this one is pretty good.

Accurate play by play

I feel as though we all did.

Hating the Patriots is not biased, it’s just good sense.

Another fun fact: Goo Jesus was Peter North’s original stage name.

it’s difficult to have ANY conversation about parity, especially in the East, because one player is throwing that competitive balance off by himself.

My cars (CTS, Expedition) are just the right size for two adults and three daughters that will kill each other if squished together for so long and the road trips we take.

According to Canadian media present in the oval office, the handshake photo op was tense and dead silent. “not a single word”.

David Attenborough

Owners to Draymond during negotiations:

Hey i’m only up to Spain 2014 in F1 DVR watching.

Ew. The visual style of anime is soooooo creepy. Those huge eyes make my skin crawl.
