
Please say that to your significant other when their superior gives her (or him) a light pat on the bottom at work. That doesn’t hurt either, but condemning such behavior unacceptable is not a “dumb mistake” in the slightest.

That’s a distinction without a difference.

F that...if you’re now saying it was a mistake, you’re saying that basic company policy (which is probably very lenient already, because showbiz) is perfectly okay with personal assault. I’m not okay with that, as much as I loved TG. There comes a point where your top celebrity or top salesman just can’t be kept

Or, and I’m just spit-balling here, explain to her that you really enjoy playing video games and figure out a time when you can play while not disturbing her or your relationship.

The first. The latter is perfectly fair, provided she’s naturally producing the testosterone.

I read your whole bullshit looking for the word “cuck”.

Please check your URL for typos. You seem to have reached Jalopnik in an attempt to access Breitbart Automotive.

Sweet mother of God, this is some good shit right here.

I’m not that STRONG a swimmer.

People get really, REALLY annoyed when fans change allegiances, especially to a rival or something like that. And I get it, if you can turn it off, then you really weren’t a fan to begin with.

The only thing worse than a Jack Baruth article, was when Okulski would share Baruth’s bullshit via R&T’s Kinja page.

“Their comments section is basically the same 35 people who constantly circle jerk the same topics and inside jokes, in between spewing hate towards anything that doesn’t resemble a diesel stick shift Miata wagon.”

I unapologetically, unironically love slapstick. People falling down is one of my top 5 favorite things in the entire universe. That In N Out one is pure goddamn gold, and I can’t remember the last time I had such a hearty laugh. This is amazing.

You make living sound like it sucks.

Moisturizer must also be effective my penis hasn’t aged in years

The 2002 Kings Lakers series was 100% rigged by the NBA. I don’t care what anyone says.

Bernie: 85


Ryan Flaherty ain’t scared.